hammer away

Also found in: Idioms.

w>hammer away

vi(darauflos)hämmern; to hammer away at an issuesich (dat)über eine Frage den Kopf zerbrechen; the politicians were hammering away at each otherdie Politiker hackten aufeinander herum; his heart was hammering awaysein Herz pochte wild; the pianist hammered away at the keysder Pianist hämmerte auf die Tasten
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
As not one of the natives had soul enough in him to stand up like a man, and allow me to hammer away at him, for my own personal gratification and that of the king, I was necessitated to fight with an imaginary enemy, whom I invariably made to knock under to my superior prowess.
Take that hammer away, or look to yourself." But the predestinated mate coming still closer to him, where the Lakeman stood fixed, now shook the heavy hammer within an inch of his teeth; meanwhile repeating a string of insufferable maledictions.
The Lakeman now patrolled the barricade, all the while keeping his eye on the Captain, and jerking out such sentences as these: --"It's not our fault; we didn't want it; I told him to take his hammer away; it was boy's business; he might have known me before this; I told him not to prick the buffalo; I believe I have broken a finger here against his cursed jaw; ain't those mincing knives down in the forecastle there, men?
The backyards of Tugaya, a lakeshore town in Bangsamoro, are noisy in the daytime, as craftsmen hammer away to make musical instruments such as the horizontally laid-out brass gongs called kulintang, and the agong (a suspended gong).
Hammer away: With the maple leaf put nails at each of the points.
You hammer away with questions about her gay dad, her gay husband.
The controls are fairly standard but nice and responsive and it's a blast to hammer away at the scumbags on the streets.
"If you tried to hammer away at one facet of a side's play, whoever you were up against, you would probably fall flat on your face.
They continued to hammer away with Josh Low also going close and Eoin Jess drilling over the bar before the celebrations could begin.
Tracing a line back to the legendary Daley Thompson's Decathlon, Athens 2004 sees you hammer away at joypad buttons while timing take-offs and so on.
I have lost count of the number of times I have seen people turn up on the range with just a driver and hammer away with no real swing thoughts.
This is the question I ponder as I hammer away at my joypad in order to make my cyclist go faster than the others.