hackney carriage

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Related to hackney carriage: hackney coach
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.hackney carriage - a carriage for hirehackney carriage - a carriage for hire      
carriage, equipage, rig - a vehicle with wheels drawn by one or more horses
four-wheeler - a hackney carriage with four wheels
remise - an expensive or high-class hackney
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hackney carriage

n (horse-drawn) → (Pferde)droschke f; (form: = taxi) → (Kraft)droschke f (form)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

hackney carriage

[ˈhæknɪˌkærɪdʒ] n (frm) → autopubblica
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
He had heard of the case of an orphan muffin boy, who, having been run over by a hackney carriage, had been removed to the hospital, had undergone the amputation of his leg below the knee, and was now actually pursuing his occupation on crutches.
Crawling behind an infirm horse, a metropolitan hackney carriage drew up on wobbly wheels and with a maimed driver on the box.
A private hire driver can only pick up pre-booked fares, while Hackney Carriage drivers are the type that can be hailed from the street.
Festive revellers will be paying almost double the price to hire a taxi in Wolverhampton after Hackney Carriage drivers applied to increase fares for the first time in more than six years.
Cardiff council is about to consult on plans which will affect the way a significant number of hackney carriage and private hire vehicles are licensed and tested.
"We have applied to the Government for funding for a range of measures to support Hackney carriage and private hire drivers in making the switch to compliant vehicles or upgrading their existing vehicles.
Aspiring hackney carriage drivers inHaltonare embroiled in a bitter long-standing row with their local authority, over a bizarre rule that limits the number of cabs in the borough.
He added there "won't be a Hackney Carriage trade left" unless the drivers were supported and the on-going issue around out-of-area workers was tackled once and for all.
However, the North Tyneside Hackney Carriage Association has now asked for this to be increased to PS2.94.
However the North Tyneside Hackney Carriage Association has asked for this to be increased to PS2.94.
A letter will be sent to all hackney carriage properties inviting them to respond, while members of the public can submit their thoughts online.