habit training

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habit training

n. entrenamiento de hábitos, enseñanza impartida a los niños para realizar actividades básicas tales como comer, dormir, vestirse, asearse y usar el servicio sanitario.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Urinary and faecal incontinence are treated by eating a balanced diet, performing pelvic floor exercises, using a bowel habit training programme and sometimes medication.HAIRLOSSPostpartum hair loss: This is hair loss that occurs about three months after childbirth.
These interventions require active caregiver participation and include prompted voiding, habit training, and scheduled (timed) toileting.
Grace Caldwell, "The Play School for Habit Training," 10 March 1925, North Bennett Street School for Industrial Training Papers, series II, box 103, file 80, Schlesinger Library on the History of Women.