guilt pang

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Noun1.guilt pang - pangs of feeling guilty
pang, stab, twinge - a sudden sharp feeling; "pangs of regret"; "she felt a stab of excitement"; "twinges of conscience"
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I can still recall the guilt pang. Yet, the hardcore reporter in me felt forced to candidly state that the 3-hour-long speech that Mian Shehbaz Sharif was finally able to deliver to open general discussion on first budget of the Imran Government was a huge disappointment.
So I do my shopping, oblivious to the plight of the planet, get to the checkout, see the bags for life, experience a guilt pang, justify to the cashier that I do actually care about the planet but have left my own bags in the boot, and buy up a new lot.
This one line is the most manipulative in Duterte's State of the Nation Address, making people who approve the killings feel they are just and righteous because they stand for human lives, and if they have been having doubts or guilt pangs over 20,000-plus murders, or the violated rights of mostly poor people victimized by extrajudicial killings, they should feel vindicated.
While you or I might have guilt pangs about splashing out on a [euro]20 bottle of wine someone used the charity's credit card to buy a [euro]155 bottle of whiskey.
The guilt pangs well up; I need to 'go throw her some retrieves.
If you already feel guilt pangs when using Uber, reading a few chapters of the journalist Steven Hill's Raw Deal: How the "Uber Economy" and Runaway Capitalism Are Screwing American Workers may have you deleting the app entirely.
Not one for the squeamish if you want to tuck into Christmas dinner without feeling guilt pangs while stuffing the seasonal bird.
Meyer has enough of a conscience to feel bad about her involvement in a military operation that costs a Marine his leg, but she deals with her guilt pangs by instructing her staff to keep amputees at a distance.
NEIGHBOURS (FIVE) Kate's love life has been the focus of many of the residents for a while now, but this week, she really feels the guilt pangs of her one-night stand with Kyle.
Wake refreshed from a night's sleep in your comfortable cabin and head for an exercise class or the fitness centre to ward off the guilt pangs at the calorie intake...
It is funny, what a man would do when the guilt pangs start gnawing his conscience.
But their love affair with the beautifully shot, boldly innovative "Actor" will carry them past any such guilt pangs.