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(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) usually derogatory a small group within a political party or movement
[C20: from French: small group]
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Les hommes a la tete de [beaucoup moins que]l'enigmatique et implacable groupuscule qui exerce le pouvoir dans l'ombre ont certes decide de sacrifier le vieux chef, ce n'est pas pour autant qu'ils entendent exaucer la rue qui hurle, crie, chante son besoin de liberte et son envie de democratie[beaucoup plus grand que], regrette Pascal Coquis des Dernieres Nouvelles d'Alsace.
For everyone is a little group (un groupuscule) and must live as such--or rather, like the Zen tea box broken in a hundred places ..." (39)
Parmi eux, 13 % representent des organisations musulmanes, comprenant toutes sortes d'organisations de la societe civile et de groupes religieux, dont le groupuscule islamiste Sharia4Belgium.
La mise en scene de ce groupuscule de "rebelles sans cause" abrutis par un vacarme permanent est celle d'une tragi-comedie a la croisee de tendances esthetiques heterogenes s'opposant parfois entre elles.
L'attentat a ete revendique par un groupuscule totalement inconnu portant un nom a connotation sunnite dans une video qui n'a pas pu etre authentifiee, et dans laquelle il a explique avoir mene l'attaque en reponse a l'engagement du Hezbollah au cote des troupes du president Bachar al-Assad en Syrie.
Tariq Ali observes that "Rarely has there been such an enthusiastic display of international unity as that which greeted the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001." (Afghanistan and Canada, 52) It was absurd to "twist a flukishly successful attack by a tiny, terrorist Arab groupuscule into an excuse for an open-ended American military thrust into the Middle East and Central Eurasia." Like all commentators, Ali refuses to countenance the possibility that American planners may have been involved in the World Trade Center attacks, which formed the launching pad for two imperial wars and the intensification of the security state in NATO countries.
C'est donc l'usage du regard distant sur les univers artistiques d'un groupuscule meconnu et profondement a part qui vient caracteriser la partie ethnographique du livre et, disons-le, la connaissance qu'a Rousseau de l'anthropologie du processus creatif est mise au service d'une ethnographie definitivement humanisante.
(7) In discussing the post-'68 French groupuscule milieu Guattari thus contends that the range of groups from anarchist to Maoist may at once be 'radically opposed in their style: the definition of the leader, of propaganda, a conception of discipline, loyalty, modesty, and the asceticism of the militant', but they essentially perform the same militant function of 'stacking', 'sifting', and 'crushing' desiring energies.
This was an example of bureaucratic stupidity, compounded by the mayor of Poitiers describing reasonable protests over a road safety issue as being the work of a tiny group, un groupuscule. The reply was 6,000 students marching past his office chanting, 'Nous sommes un groupuscule.'