grey nomad

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grey nomad


gray nomad

Austral any elderly retired person who spends time travelling around the country in a mobile home
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References in periodicals archive ?
A growing phenomenon Down Under, the grey nomad brigade comprises folk of a certain age who've traded the security of bricks and mortar for a chilled-out life on the open road.
A 'grey nomad' is, apparently, a term coined by Australians in reference to retired people who travel independently and for extended periods within their own country, in caravans or motor homes.
--(2007), "The Grey Nomad Phenomenon: Changing the Script of Aging," Journal of Aging and Human Development 64(4): 381-398.
(11) Onyx, J, Leonard, R and Dean, S The grey nomad phenomena--a research report UTS Centre for Australian Community Organisations & Management 2005
And so, after filling the fridge from Woolworths, it's time to join the ranks of Australia's grey nomads.