great crested grebe

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great crested grebe

(Animals) a European grebe, Podiceps cristatus, having blackish ear tufts and, in the breeding season, a dark brown frill around the head
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.great crested grebe - large Old World grebe with black ear tuftsgreat crested grebe - large Old World grebe with black ear tufts
grebe - small compact-bodied almost completely aquatic bird that builds floating nests; similar to loons but smaller and with lobate rather than webbed feet
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Beautiful, vibrant birds, like the great crested grebe, kingfisher, heron and owls, native to the UK, were in the sights of hunters for their attractive plumes.
'Great Crested Grebe with Chicks' by Gianpiero Ferrari and 'Hopeful' by Mandy Sherrington were awarded second and third places respectively.
The Wildlife in Action prize went to Samuel Hood, of Killingworth in North Tyneside, for his picture of a great crested grebe taken in the town.
Great crested grebe pictured at Kilingworth by Samuel Hood <B
He said: "People are in the humiliating position of having to pretend that there's some environmental objection that they have, that the great crested grebe is going to be invaded or whatever.
As spring slowly arrives, snakes come out to bask in the sun, snowdrops emerge, and the great crested grebe does a dance.
The loch has been designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest thanks to its wildfowl population, including nesting water birds - particularly great crested grebe.
THE great crested grebe is making an amazing comeback...
Among the popular varieties that were sighted on the banks of river Ganges include Ruddy Shelduck, Great Crested Grebe, Gadwall, Coot, Tufted Pochard and Bar-Headed Geese.

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