grand unification theory

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Related to grand unification theory: Theory of everything

grand′ unifica′tion the`ory

a hypothetical quantum theory that would encompass the electroweak theory and the strong force.
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However, all attempts to achieve the Grand Unification Theory (GUT) of Strong and Electro-weak interactions have remained elusive so far.
Richard Fogoros's book Fixing American Healthcare: Wonkonians, Gekkonians, and the Grand Unification Theory of Healthcare, which was reviewed in the Fall 2012 issue.
In the late 1950s and early 1960s he originated helicity amplitude analysis, he "perfected an important theorem in T and P violations...[he] pioneered the use of nuclear absorption to detect the weak magnetism in weak interactions...[he] analytically demonstrated the partial conservation of axial current (PCAC)...." In later decades after the Cultural Revolution in China, he directed others in their research on "grand unification theory, CP violation, non-linear sigma model effective Lagrangian theory, spontaneous symmetry breaking in super-symmetry, topological aspects of quantum filed theory and its relation to anomaly." Chou has also been important in the development of science and technology in China and the promotion of international science exchange.

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