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Noun1.girandola - an ornate candle holdergirandola - an ornate candle holder; often with a mirror
candle holder, candlestick - a holder with sockets for candles
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References in periodicals archive ?
Avvolte in ambientazioni degne di un'opera musicale, si susseguono una girandola di situazioni estreme e di gesti plateali in cui realta e finzione tendono a fondersi portando il confine tra la vita reale della cantante e quella delle eroine da lei rappresentate ad assottigliarsi sempre piu.
These two affective dimensions are commonly used to characterize the state of cognitive dissonance (Cooper, 2007; Fointiat, Girandola, & Gosling, 2013; Harmon-Jones, 2000; Vaidis, 2011).
The theme of the environment is today at the heart of debates of a social or political nature (Weiss and Girandola, 2010).
E enorme, regio, rosnador, em mais de um plano, cheio de festoes, parecido com um peixe, um gaviao, um guarda-chuva, um porta-bibelos, uma girandola. Encanta-me.
To occupy himself, the artist turned to realising some of the fiery scenes and great landscapes that he had witnessed on his recent tour of Italy, notably The Annual Girandola at the Castel Sant' Angelo, Rome of 1775-76, and most spectacularly of all, his Vesuvius in Eruption, with a View over the Islands in the Bay of Naples (1776; Fig.
Lodice, nos cuenta Tarsila, girandola bocabajo, lo que acaba por arrancar carcajadas del publico.
Anthony Piermatteo (1), Gregory Lo Monaco (1), Laure Moreau (1), Fabien Girandola (1) and Jean-Louis Tavani (2)