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(Geological Science) the study of groundwater in the earth's crust
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References in periodicals archive ?
Geology (Structural Geology, Petrology, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Sedimentology, Geohydrology, Geochronology, Mineralogy, Physical Geology, Marine Geology, Environmental Geology, Palaeontology, Geology of Energy Resources: Uranium, Coal, Petroleum)
Leonard, "Geohydrology and simulation of steady-state flow conditions in regional aquifer systems in Cretaceous and older rocks underlying Kansas, Nebraska, and parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming," US Geological Survey Professional Paper, vol.
Contributors to this work include scholars in anthropology and archaeology as well as those in soil science, agronomy, geohydrology, and water rights.
Works Majority Staff, supra note 11, at 5 (noting benefits of geohydrology, geochemistry, tectonics, costs, and socioeconomic impacts that were unique to Yucca Mountain).
Paper 1400-B, Geohydrology of the High Plains Aquifer in Parts of
Geohydrology and water quality of Kalamazoo County, Michigan, 1986-1988.
Funded under the MGNREGA national flagship programme, the state government launched the " Dhara Vikas Scheme", or "Spring Shed Development Scheme" in 2008 in active collaboration with WWF-India, People's Science Institute, Dehradun, ACWADAM, Pune and others by using rainwater harvesting, geohydrology and GIS techniques.
So far, the consultants found that the GROWAS hydrogeological data base at the geohydrology division contains more than 53 000 boreholes and close to 38 000 water quality records that each need to be examined and scrutinised before they can be transferred and considered.
Among the treks are the preliminary geology of the Proffit Mountain flood scour, Reynolds County, Missouri; the geology of Wilson's Creek Battlefield (Civil War) and the history of stone quarrying and stone use; and rift-related volcanism and the karst geohydrology of the southern Ozark dome.