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1. geographer.
2. geographic; geographical.
3. geography.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Suspecting foul play, police drove to Mandagang near Dzomi Geog office and the suspect was arrested for investigation.
Today, the University of Washington offers sophomore-level and junior-level GE-level GIS courses; GEOG 258: Maps and GIS, which satisfies the Individual and Society requirement for graduation, and GEOG 360: Principle of GIS Mapping, which satisfies the Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning requirement for graduation, as well as the Individual and Society requirement for graduation.
The first phase was a two-day, K-12 teacher workshop (GEOG 900) at the new site in mid-June; it highlighted pedagogy and activities using GPS, GIS, and remote sensing.
Eighteen out of twenty students enrolled in GEOG 207W responded to these surveys.
We predict that the coefficients on OUTBD, MUTUAL, SIZE, GEOG, CAPISSUE and HEALTH will be positive.
Paton is wise enough to recognise that with players like Richard Gough, Brian Laudrup, Geog Albertz, Joachim Bjorkland and of course Gazza, on the field Rangers aren't exactly sitting ducks.
An eight-year-old boy was killed in an accident when a car driven by a monk hit him on December 12 at around 10:30 am in Toptokha,Toep Geog under Punakha Dzongkhag.