genus Lophophora

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Noun1.genus Lophophora - two species of small cacti of northeastern Mexico and southwestern United States having rounded stems covered with jointed tubercles: mescalgenus Lophophora - two species of small cacti of northeastern Mexico and southwestern United States having rounded stems covered with jointed tubercles: mescal
caryophylloid dicot genus - genus of relatively early dicotyledonous plants including mostly flowers
Cactaceae, cactus family, family Cactaceae - constituting the order Opuntiales
Lophophora williamsii, mescal, mezcal, peyote - a small spineless globe-shaped cactus; source of mescal buttons
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References in periodicals archive ?
The twelve contributions that make up the main body of the text are focused on the decline of the genus lophophora in Texas; peyote in the colonial imagination; peyote, Christianity, and constitutional law; and a variety of other related subjects.
Structure, development, and taxonomy in the genus Lophophora. Amer.