genus Genlisea

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Noun1.genus Genlisea - small genus of carnivorous plants of tropical African swamps
plant genus - a genus of plants
bladderwort family, family Lentibulariaceae, Lentibulariaceae - carnivorous aquatic or bog plants: genera Utricularia, Pinguicula, and Genlisea
genlisea - rootless carnivorous swamp plants having at the base of the stem a rosette of foliage and leaves consisting of slender tubes swollen in the middle to form traps; each tube passes into two long spirally twisted arms with stiff hairs
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The discovery ends considerable puzzlement over lifestyles in the genus Genlisea. Discovered at the beginning of the last century, these rare plants form tiny rosettes of leaves on the ground and send up flowers that look like snapdragons.