garden warbler

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garden warbler

(Animals) any of several small brownish-grey European songbirds of the genus Sylvia (warblers), esp S. borin, common in woods and hedges: in some parts of Europe they are esteemed as a delicacy
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Woodland species include green and great spotted woodpeckers, tawny owl, buzzard, sparrowhawk, nuthatch, jay, treecreeper, woodcock, siskin and garden warbler. There are seven species of bat and England's second largest colony of coral-root orchid, plus northern marsh and common spotted orchid, species of beetle, bee and moth which are nationally and regionally rare, and in summer nine species of butterfly.
The land is home to many rare breeds of bird, including the willow tit, goldcrest, garden warbler, greenshank, and hobby.
philomelos) Thrush nightingale 1/150 (0.7) 1 (Luscinia luscinia) Common redstart 3/457 (0.7) 1.7 (Phoenicurus phoenicurus) European robin 16/3,106 (0.5) 1.4 (Erithacus rubecula) European pied 1/58 (1.7) 11 flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) Common chaffinch 2/194 (1.0) 1 (Fringilla coelebs) Dunnock (Prunella 1/41 (2.4) 1 modularis) Eurasian blackcap 8/1,478 (0.5) 1 (Sylvia atricapilla) Garden warbler 2/1,183 (0.2) 1 (S.
We hastened our pace, but managed to see two more hares, and heard garden warbler, chaffinch and green woodpecker.
More snow buntings were at Kinmel Bay and the Little Orme, with Lapland buntings at Carmel Head and Bardsey Island, where a juvenile glaucous gull was the first of the year and a garden warbler was another late migrant.
A GARDEN WARBLER netted and fitted with a tiny leg ring at Brandon Marsh in August, 1988, was found dead more than 5,000 kilometres away in Obudu, Nigeria, in March, 1990.
Apart from the garden warbler and the whitethroats, they have some crazy cousins across the world like the Arabian warbler, the spectacled warbler, the chestnut vented warbler and the banded parisoma.
A further 19 species - the bullfinch, chaffinch, common chiffchaff, common whitethroat, starling, crossbill, dunnock, garden warbler, goldcrest, greenfinch, house martin, house sparrow, lesser redpoll, linnet, mistle thrush, swallow, siskin, tree pipit and willow warbler - have also suffered significant losses.
Willow warbler, garden warbler and lesser spotted woodpecker are amongst 10 species known to be present locally which will benefit from habitat improvement work.
There was too that medley of woodland bird song, the rich tones of a garden warbler, the downward spiralling tune of a willow warbler and the endless ebbing and flowing reeling of a grasshopper warbler.
The cash has been pledged for habitat creation work in Walker Riverside Park, Newcastle, which will target the two species, along with garden warbler, spotted flycatcher and willow tit, all of which are known to be in the area.
Migrants on Llandudno's Great Orme included garden warbler, pied flycatcher, wheatear, nuthatch and an interesting leucistic spotted flycatcher.