free of charge

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Related to free of charge: gratis
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: of charge - without payment; "I'll give you this gratis"
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References in classic literature ?
Among other things, in gratitude for such kindnesses from Daughtry, Doctor Emory gave his office card and begged for the privilege of treating, free of charge, either master or dog should they ever become sick.
Articles of interest or curiosity, procured by the passengers during the voyage, may be brought home in the steamer free of charge.
For farmers to get enough seeds to produce the fibre, we are now giving out the seeds free of charge today.'
Those who have tickets (invitations) for the match, the accredited people and guests of the event will be able to travel by these trains on the same routes free of charge on May 29 before the final match from 18:00 to 23:00 (GMT+4) and on May 30 after the match from 01:00 to 04:00.
"Dear customer, you can now use the ATM networks of UNB, ADCB and Al Hilal Bank, free of charge," UNB said in a statement on its website.
There are 36 municipal services, 13 of them are free of charge and 23 are paid services.
All instructors teaching are doing so totally free of charge."
'Participation will be free of charge for companies from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and will include a meeting space and organization of B2B meetings.
4.9 billion annual insurance premium to State Life on October 30 this year, for providing free of charge services to the enrolled families.
Sheikh said that those who brought small cans and canisters get water free of charge.
Free medical advice or details of leptospirosis disease can be obtained free of charge via 'Suwasariya' hot-line 0710 107 107.
A new rail line between Phnom Penh International Airport and the railway station on Monivong Boulevard opened on April 10, and is still offering service free of charge.