free companion

free companion

(Historical Terms) (in medieval Europe) a member of a company of mercenary soldiers
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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"Ma foi, he was born for a free companion!" cried Aylward, "He hath the very trick of speech and turn of thought.
"Well, if you know them, you know that they are good and free companions. Why do you not apply to them, if you stand in need of help?"
Such annotations as may be useful to assist the reader in comprehending the characters of the Jew, the Templar, the Captain of the mercenaries, or Free Companions, as they were called, and others proper to the period, are added, but with a sparing hand, since sufficient information on these subjects is to be found in general history.
Photos can be sent to the printer via BLUETOOTH connection using the free companion app, compatible with iOS and Android devices, Pictures can be edited and decorated right within the app, then printed or seamlessly shared on social media for everyone in your network to enjoy.
The airline however, says one of the best ways to get an upgrade is by using points earned on its new Reward Credit Card, which allows members to choose from upgrades and free companion seats based on spending.
Although the toy can mostly be used through voice commands, it requires the free companion app for iOS and Android devices.
With contributions by authors and artists from 11 countries, "Stories of Musice" will take the reader on a journey around the world through poetry, nonfiction, photography, original music, and videos (the 'interactive' aspect of this anthology is the inclusion of URLs and QR codes which are provided throughout to direct readers to a free companion web edition, where they can enjoy the audio and video pieces).
The software runs on recent versions of Windows and users need to download a free companion app to their mobile device (available for iOS and Android).
In addition to the free companion website, this book focuses on listening and reading comprehensive skills, building vocabulary for discussing issues, and offers video clips from news programs for listening comprehension and introduction of contemporary Russian society.
This time out, though, you won't need separate peripherals to join in the fun as a free companion app allows you to sing into smartphones connected to your console via your home wi-fi.