fox cub


fox cub

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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He once found a little fox cub half drowned in its hole and he brought it home in th' bosom of his shirt to keep it warm.
"If I had a raven or a fox cub I could play with it," said Mary.
The hares had already half changed their summer coats, the fox cubs were beginning to scatter, and the young wolves were bigger than dogs.
How endearing that Rosie has her chick and the fox has a fox cub too.
A TINY fox cub found abandoned in a garden has been saved from death by a wildlife rescue.
London, Dec 18 (ANI): A deaf fox cub has learnt to respond to sign language after being trained by a woman whose hearing is impaired.
Fox cub on the road a demonstration of glass breaking in order:
POLICE yesterday arrested a mounted hunter who allegedly ran over and injured a protester while chasing a fox cub.
Separately, 129 cases of fox cub hunting were received by the League Against Cruel Sports between the beginning of August and the end of October.
A FOX cub found itself in a sticky situation after getting its head stuck in a jar of peanut butter.