fore wing

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Related to fore wing: hind wing
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Noun1.fore wing - either of the anterior pair of wings on an insect that has four wings
wing - a movable organ for flying (one of a pair)
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References in classic literature ?
He says, "It is remarkable for having a sort of drum at the base of the fore wings, between the costal nervure and the subcostal.
The species of this genus are characterized by the presence of a pocket-like structure on the pronotum; a mesopleuron with epicnemial carina vestigial or absent; the absence of the vein 3 rs-m in fore wing (Gauld, 1991); yellowish brown color and large ocelli (Gauld and Dubois, 2006).
6M" and "UCRC_ENT 00408128" (a detached fore wing from this specimen is mounted on the slide number 6M with the identical label as above except "6M Ala ant."); and 2 other females collected 5 May 1985 (UCRC_ENT 00408129) and 10 May 1985 (UCRC_ ENT 00408130).
[3] conducted experiments on a series of multiwing configuration with finite span wings at Reynolds number of 1.4e6, and the results indicated that the interaction between the two wings was favorable to the fore wing (the maximum lift coefficient increased), while the maximum lift coefficient of the hind wing did not decrease.
Description.--Female: Body length 18.62 mm; antenna length 9.8+ mm; fore wing length 10.8 mm.
The results shows (Table 4) that the left fore wing have different ranks of best fit model while on the right showed the same ranks.
irrigatus, mention that the adults can be recognized by the frons without setae; antenna short, same length in both sexes, about 30 flagellomeres; antennal fossae separated by about width of pedicel; fore femur without clavate setae; ocular rim without setae; fore femoral sense hair as long as fore femur and mid femoral sense hair; mesonotum without blade-like setae; tibial spurs present; pretarsal claws large, longer than one-half length of distal tarsomere; pilula axillaris large; fore wing vein 2A runs in a fairly even curve toward 3A; posterior area of hind wing narrower than presectoral area, CuA bends to hind margin at or before origin of medial fork; anterior banksian line weakly developed; fore wing without dark brown stripe in mediocubital area.
Fore wing tawny with black boarder, apical half of the wing black with white bands; hind wing tawny, black boarder with two irregular series of white spots, inmale under side black and white spot; veins marked with black bands; apophysis posterior, thorn - like; ductus bursae long; corpus bursae balloon like with rod like cornuti (Fig.
The Parides Childrenae, also known as Green-celled Cattleheart, has a beautiful iridescent green patch on its fore wing. A number of these butterflies have now emerged as the farm, is breeding them once more, and can be seen.
The butterfly, which has a beautiful iridescent green patch on its fore wing, is normally found in South America.