flying frog

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flying frog

Any of several Asian arboreal frogs chiefly of the family Rhacophoridae having toes connected by broad webbing and capable of making long, gliding leaps.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

flying frog

(Animals) any of several tropical frogs of the family Rhacophoridae, esp Rhacophorus reinwardtii of Malaya, that glide between trees by means of long webbed digits
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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One evening, we crept on foot into the forest to find tarsiers and a Wallace's flying frog. A scientist had rigged up a camera trap and it revealed a small herd of elusive wild cattle called banteng.
Have a go at flying frog hoopla, try your hand at bowls, get connected at the telephone exchange, watch archive film footage and discover the story of the NHS in the welfare clinic.
Also discovered in Vietnam is Helen's Flying Frog (rhacophorus helenae), which was found in a patch of forest surrounded by agricultural land, highlighting the urgent need for conservation in lowland forests, said Gray.
Scientists also found the Helen's flying frog, just 100 kilometers (60 miles) from Ho Chi Minh City, which glides between treetops using its large, webbed hands and feet.
DON'T give a flying frog how Manchester City get on at Goodison today - though obviously the Blues doing us a favour would be nice.
A much-loved critter features on the gorgeous Portmeirion Very Hungry Caterpillar cookie jar PS19.20 from Give your young explorers a taste of the great outdoors with a Jungle Tree House whitewash pine bed, PS397 from Pay homage to Wallace's flying frog with a novelty stained glass Tiffany frog lamp, PS51.90 from Surround yourself with nature thanks to the gorgeous Paradise Bird Print Cushion, PS19.50 from Add a touch of glass with the Waterford Crystal Butterfly glassware collection, prices from PS50-PS140 from | Bill Bailey's Jungle Heo is on BBC Two tomorrow at 8pm.
Summary: Sydney:An Australian researcher who discovered a new species of flying frog near Ho Chi Minh ...
SYDNEY -- An Australian researcher who discovered a new species of flying frog near Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam and named it after her mother said Tuesday it was a rare find so close to such a big city.
Helmer Claypool, lead singer and guitarist with Primus (when not slumming with his Flying Frog Brigade jam band), reserves the most thoroughly obnoxious role for himself as pretentious, opinionated egotist Lapland "Lapdog" Miclovich, Electric Apricot's talent-less drummer.
When a Wallace's flying frog hops out of a tree in Malaysia, it doesn't drop like a rock.
The saxophonist currently known as Skerik and vibraphonist Mike Dillon are regulars with Les Claypool's Flying Frog Brigade.