flock paper

flock paper

(Furniture) a type of wallpaper with a raised pattern. See also flock23
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When the other half and I moved into our home 25 years ago, the sitting room had deep red flock paper on all four walls - and we changed our decorating schedule to get rid of the stuff as quickly as possible!
A Wall coverings, be it traditional flock paper or stylish wall decals, are big news in the interiors world right now and the latest trend to catch on is full scale printed wallpaper murals depicting any image of your choice.
We stumbled across navy brocade curtains set loose against purple flock paper. Carpets in the bathroom (Satan's own handiwork - just think of the human debris) chocolate coloured bathroom suites, plastic 'timber' panelling and, horror of horrors, cheap UPVC glazing in period property.
London's Cole and Son redecorated his apartment with hand-printed flock paper costing pounds 300 a roll.
We stumbled across navy brocade curtains set loose against purple flock paper. Carpets in the bathroom (Satan's own handiwork ( just think of the human debris) chocolate coloured bathroom suites, plastic `timber' panelling and, horror of horrors, cheap UPVC glazing in period property
William Morris would feel very at home with so many of his wallpaper prints around but what he'd make of the red flock paper above the dado is not so certain.