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Related to flimsiness: brought out


adj. flim·si·er, flim·si·est
1. Light, thin, and insubstantial: a flimsy fabric.
2. Lacking solidity or strength; easily damaged: a flimsy table. See Synonyms at fragile.
3. Lacking plausibility; unconvincing: a flimsy excuse.
n. pl. flim·sies
1. Thin paper usually used to make multiple copies.
2. Something written on this thin paper.

[Origin unknown.]

flim′si·ly adv.
flim′si·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



band-aid treatment Temporary, inadequate patching over of a major difficulty demanding radical treatment; makeshift or stopgap measures which temporarily relieve a problem without solving it. Band-aid is a trade name for a small adhesive bandage used on minor cuts and scrapes. The expression is American slang and apparently of fairly recent coinage.

half-baked Insufficiently planned or prepared, not well thought out, ill-considered; unrealistic, flimsy, unsubstantial, incomplete; sloppy, shoddy, crude; not thorough or earnest. It is easy to see how the literal sense of half-baked ‘undercooked, doughy, raw’ gave rise to the figurative sense of ‘inadequately prepared or planned.’ The use of this term in its figurative sense dates from the early 17th century. The expression appeared in this passage from Nation Magazine (August 1892):

The half-baked measures by which politicians try so hard to cripple the Australian system.

house of cards Any insecure or unsubstantial structure, system, or scheme subject to imminent collapse; also castle of cards. The allusion is to the card-castles or houses children often build, only to blow them down in one breath a few moments later.

Painted battlements … of prelatry, which want but one puff of the King’s to blow them down like a paste-board house built of court-cards. (John Milton, Of Reformation Touching Church Discipline in England, 1641)

jerry-built Cheaply made, poorly constructed, flimsy, unsubstantial, slapdash, haphazard, makeshift. The most plausible of the many theories as to the origin of this term relates it to the Jerry Brothers, Builders and Contractors of Liverpool, England, in the early 19th century. This company was apparently so notorious for its rapidly and cheaply constructed, though showy, houses that its name became synonymous with inferior, shoddy building practices. Of British origin, this expression dates from at least 1869.

It would soon be overspread by vulgar jerry-built villas. (George C. Brodrick, Memories and Impressions, 1900)

jury-rigged Makeshift, stopgap, temporary; a nautical term applied to a ship that leaves port partially, rather than fully- or ship-rigged, with rigging to be completed at sea; or to one temporarily rigged as a result of disablement. Though the jury has been said to derive from the French jour ‘day’ (hence rigged for the/a day only), the OED says the origin is unknown.

rope of sand Something of no permanence or binding power; an ineffective, uncohesive union or alliance; a weak, easily broken bond or tie. The phrase, of British origin, has been used metaphorically since the 17th century to describe worthless agreements, contracts, etc.

Sweden and Denmark, Russia and Prussia, might form a rope of sand, but no dependence can be placed on such a maritime coalition. (John Adams, Works, 1800)

Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.flimsiness - the property of weakness by virtue of careless construction
weakness - the property of lacking physical or mental strength; liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain; "his weakness increased as he became older"; "the weakness of the span was overlooked until it collapsed"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


[ˈflɪmzɪnɪs] N [of dress, material] → ligereza f; [of structure] → lo endeble, la poca solidez; [of excuse] → lo pobre; [of argument, evidence] → lo poco sólido, inconsistencia f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= weak construction)leichte or wenig solide Bauweise; (of book)schlechte or billige Aufmachung; in spite of the flimsiness of the wingstrotz der leichten Bauweise der Tragflächen
(= thinness: of material, garment) → Dünne f
(fig, of excuse) → Fadenscheinigkeit f; (of reason)mangelnde Stichhaltigkeit; (of evidence)Dürftigkeit f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈflɪmzɪnɪs] n (of dress) → leggerezza; (of structure, argument) → scarsa solidità
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
Whether the flimsiness of foreign sheets and the coarseness of their type is any proof of frivolity and ignorance, there is no doubt that English people scarce consider news read there as news, any more than a programme bought from a man in the street inspires confidence in what it says.
But lately a new manual typewriter (made, where else, but in China), has been popping up online under the "We R Memory Keepers" brand one or two young people I know have picked it up attracted, no doubt, by its cuddly retro profile and its pastel colors but I have to hasten to add that based on the expert opinion of my ATC friends, your money would be far better spent on a vintage Olympia or Smith-Corona, given the flimsiness of the WRMK's construction.
The flimsiness of past words, deeds and promises have all been exposed in a Tory psychodrama that started with a crude plan three years ago to "take back control" from the EU, but has since left the UK helpless to the vagaries of this desperate race to the bottom.
In two other versions of this subject that are on display in the final room, Chardin's nuanced tonal variation of creams and greys gives the cards a sense of volume and presence that belies their actual flatness and flimsiness (Fig.
Fulham's performance was a masterclass in flimsiness. And, if you are curmudgeonly enough, if you are suitably sour, to want to go hunting for portents of City vulnerability, then you could point to the fact that they were wasteful, complacent almost, squandering a chance to rack up an almost unassailable goal difference.
We characterise this precarity as moving in the realm of "pettiness"--in the sense of "triviality" and "smallness," rather than of "pickiness" or "nastiness." Pettiness suggests both the marginal kinds of solutions that ultimately form the core of Security and Development, and the smallness or flimsiness that has come to mark the institutional and human arrangements resulting from it.
In this well-staged production, in spite of its sumptuous lighting, stage effects, and a death-defying Rola Rola balancing act from Sascha Williams, there is flimsiness and you do not get the authentic flavour of the poignant tale of the boy who refused to grow up.
'In his poetry Jaun uses a certain kind of mechanism, nihilism, absurdism and anarchism to hide the flimsiness of his nonconformity.' The lecture didn't go viral like Jaun's poetry but Javed has managed to ask a question that none of the memorial events have ever even circumvented.
Given the industrial designs featured across Nintendo's 3DS lineup, the sheer flimsiness of Labo is a bit strange.
Perhaps aware of the flimsiness of this argument when taken alone, she next notes that the libertarian economist Murray Rothbard discussed Calhoun's emphasis on the conflict between the taxers and the taxed in his own 1960s work.
There are a few deciding factors: price, flimsiness, the time a toy would likely keep a child amused, educational value and the "ick" factor.