flight sergeant

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flight sergeant

(Military) a noncommissioned officer in the Royal Air Force junior in rank to a master aircrew
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Hero The remembrance ceremony in honour of Flight Sergeant John Colhoun
Flight Sergeant Arthur Binnie Walker was born on January 14 1923, in Glasgow.
His parents were Fritz and Dorothy; Flight Sergeant Francis Bernard Wilkinson of 20 Squadron, killed in August 1945 in the Far East just after the end of the war.
The British Royal Air Force lost nine men: Flight Sergeant Robert Throw, Sergeant Air Bomber Bernard Brazier, Sergiant William Bug, Flight Sergeant William Gristle, Pilot Officer Ibarra McKenna (23), Sergeant Ian Reid (20), Flight Sergiant Peter Shepherd (20) and signalman George Shrub (31).
Victims: top row left to right: Flight Sergeant Adrian Davies, Flight Lieutenant Lee Anthony Mitchelmore, Flight Lieutenant Gareth Rodney Nicholas, Sergeant Benjamin James Knight, Sergeant Gary Paul Quilliam, Flt Lt Steven Swarbrick and Sgt John Joseph Langton.
Lawrence, who had written the between April 1932 and November 1933 to an RAF flight sergeant, also mentioned his love for book collection and mentioned 1933 as a "vintage year for books", reports the Times Online.
Flying Officer Arthur Round, a 26-year-old from Wellington, New Zealand, the pilot of the ill-fated bomber, died alongside his navigator Flight Sergeant Reginald Hopkins, 21, from Southampton.
His father, Flight Sergeant Jordan Brown, 36, born in Dumfries, has terminal brain cancer and is raising money to help cancer charities.
He was swiftly promoted to Flight Sergeant, having been to RAF Cranwell on the Air Cadet Leadership Course where he passed with a merit.
AIR Cadet Flight Sergeant Paolo David, (18), from 163 (Coventry Phoenix) Squadron, is delighted to have been selected for Junior Leader training 2016-17.

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