finite verb

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finite and non-finite verbs

Finite verbs are verbs that have subjects and indicate grammatical tense, person, and number. These verbs describe the action of a person, place, or thing in the sentence. Unlike other types of verbs, finite verbs do not require another verb in the sentence in order to be grammatically correct.
Non-finite verbs are verbs that do not have tenses or subjects that they correspond to. Instead, these verbs are usually infinitives, gerunds, or participles. Gerunds and present participles end in “-ing,” while past participles usually end in “-ed,” “-d,” or “-t.”
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finite verb

A verb that is inflected in some way, such as to indicate person, tense, or number.
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He covers social setting and language ecology, segmental sound patterns, morphologically specific sound patterns, finite verb stem inflection, predicate inflectional suffixes, nominal and phrasal morphology, complex verbs and compounding, and Murrinhpatha wordhood and gradient morphology.
When no finite verb was present, the infinite verb was counted (e.g., to late to jump off, Hansson).
the example in (6), where the particle to is placed before the finite verb woldon; hence, it is clear that it cannot be the infinitive particle:
In his opinion the DP head my, assigned the plural marking to the finite verb give.
The description of this kind of constructions in Miina Norvik's dissertation seems a good start for a discussion of a morpho-syntactic nature--what is the status of the finite verb in this kind of constructions, whether it is a copula or the so called semi-copula/ quasi-copula or compound predicate, that is, to what extent we can talk about the level of grammaticalization of the finite verb.
Wahrend das finite Verb im deutschen Satz, je nachdem ob ein Aussagesatz, eine Entscheidungsfrage, ein Nebensatz usw.
What percentage of the finite verb phrase contexts focuses on prior events, requiring the use of simple past?
The present paper deals with one aspect of the interplay between T, v, and DP that has been at the centre of syntactic theory within the generative literature for several decades now, but that has arguably not yet been given a completely satisfactory explanation: I am referring to a paradigm instance of head movement as is V-to-T movement, that is the phenomenon by which a finite verb, after moving from the position of head of VP into the little v head, moves to the position of T, and which is used to describe a language as a V-moving language (see (1a) below) as opposed to a V-in situ language, which is a language where the verb just moves from the V head into v, without further raising to T (see (1b)).
Finnish has a verbal construction (underlined in (1)-(3)) called colorative construction which combines two verbs: a non-finite verb (henceforth Vi) and a finite verb (Vii).
Kahn (1973:135) similarly notes that, as long as the participle is recognisably connected with finite verb forms from the same stem, it does not lose its verbal nature completely.
The student who wrote the following poem, for example, successfully imitates the sentence patterns of the Roethke model, where the main teaching point was how the non-finite verbs and the use of the senses create an immediacy to the scene, as though the childhood memory is being re-lived, while the final line of the poem uses a finite verb to 'resolve' the scene.

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