filter pump

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filter pump

(Chemistry) a vacuum pump used to assist laboratory filtrations in which a jet of water inside a glass tube entrains air molecules from the system to be evacuated
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FLOATS OUR BOAT: Comes with electric filter pump to keep water free of insects, a thermostat, cover, chemical dispenser for chlorine tablets and three-year guarantee.
The Bestway swimming pool comes with a filter pump and valve to attach to a hose and includes heavy-duty PVC side walls and a DVD with setup instructions.
"These eventually end up in the filter pump of the pool.
All pool sets come with a ladder, ground cloth, debris cover, 110-120 Volt Cartridge Filter Pump with 1,000 gallons per hour flow rate.
In this collector tank, there will be a filter pump which filter the medium and then transfer to a storage tank through rubber tube.
One process is for the use in baths without filtration, another for the use in baths with filtration through a filter pump, but where the filtration is insufficient to remove all the contaminants and a third process is for use in baths with filtration which are operated in accordance with the never-dump principle, where there a continuous discarding of the bath, so the bath is always operated within relatively consistent parameters.
The capacity of the machines varies from 1 to 3,500 tons, and all of the metal that goes to the machines is processed by the filter pump.
We were provided fluoride filter pump for drinking water purpose.
A filter pump may help, but it is not essential and will not do the job on its own.
Coolant is pulled through the media using a filter pump, leaving fine chips and contaminants to collect on the surface of the filter media and form a filter cake.
Features: 125 amp sub-panel; one filter pump clock; neutral and ground bar; 8/16 position interior; two remote (SAm or Jazz) light circuits; one remote motor circuit; one remote spa-ready circuit; two automatic valve motors; GFI with lift cover; FM hand-held remote