fighting cock

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fighting cock

1. (Individual Sports, other than specified) another name for gamecock
2. a pugnacious person
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Noun1.fighting cock - a cock bred and trained for fightingfighting cock - a cock bred and trained for fighting
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References in classic literature ?
Yes, it is an interesting place, this Fighting Cock. I think we shall have another look at it in an unobtrusive way."
"It seems to be a curious class of custom that is done by the Fighting Cock," said Holmes.
"He is, or was last night, at the Fighting Cock Inn, about two miles from your park gate."
Hayes brought Arthur to his public-house, the Fighting Cock, where he was confined in an upper room, under the care of Mrs.
I yielded--as I have always yielded--to his prayers, and instantly James hurried off to the Fighting Cock to warn Hayes and give him the means of flight.
It is the Duke's desire that the carriage shall go at once to the Fighting Cock Inn to bring Lord Saltire home.
The general and colonel looked sternly and significantly at one another like two fighting cocks preparing for battle, each vainly trying to detect signs of cowardice in the other.
I was half out of bed, and Duncan had been hanging at the elbow of these fighting cocks, ready to intervene upon the least occasion.
As this developed, 10 kilos of shabu with an estimated street value of P68 million were recovered in a fighting cock farm in Barangay San Francisco, Lipa City, Batangas on Monday.
You can trace horrors on his face thin red rivers hectic across his nose and cheeks his milky eyes are overhung by the arid incline of his brows his mouth is small mean puckered like a fish his shoulders are eroding into his chest he bares his belly when the weather is fine his ribs are echoed by a series of scars when I first saw them drawn by their pallor he thrust his chest out like a fighting cock shark honey or a knife hard to remember he leans back from his pelvis when he walks trailing his body like an afterthought his legs are sturdy thickly veined when he descends the stairs like a homely god I am forced to remember the mop bucket I am bent over like a penitent and I remember my first hatred
The Chicken in Folklore and Symbolism The Fighting Cock and the Brooding Hen: Chickens as Symbols of Gender in Folklore and Literature The Historical Creation of the Chicken Thinking Like a Chicken We're All Mexican Here When Chickens Come to Town
Cockpit employees Keempee de Leon, 21, and Carmelo Malabanan, 56, and fighting cock raiser Edmundo Benero, 55, were reportedly caught in the crossfire as Villegas and the gunman traded shots.