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(fiːr) or


Scot variant spellings of fere
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Quand un bon vin meuble mon estomac, Je suis plus savant que Balzac - Plus sage que Pibrac ; Mon brass seul faisant l'attaque De la nation Coseaque, La mettroit au sac ; De Charon je passerois le lac, En dormant dans son bac ; J'irois au fier Eac, Sans que mon cœur fit tic ni tac, Présenter du tabac.
Eric Fier, CPG, P.EngChief Executive OfficerSilverCrest Metals Inc.0x20
Fier has demonstrated the ability to build strong teams and cultivate confidence and credibility among our customers and many different partners across the industry.
Fier, 31, used the Gruenfeld defense and sacrificed a Bishop on the 49th move to beat Aditya Mittal of India in 73 moves.
Fier used the Modern Benoni to beat Indian International Master Shardul Gagare in 38 moves.
* Construction of two new bridges and rehabilitation of approximately 50 existing bridges in the regions of Korce, Berat and Fier.
Experience of Fier Public Library Albania and some other institutions from 1995 to date are shared below.
At the moment, we import these produces from Greece and Italy but their quality is much lower than the quality of the Macedonian products," said Sherai Capa, president of the regional chamber of Fier.
Fier Normand also put up a good performance in finishing second in a competitive heat at Market Rasen but he is obviously one that excels on better ground.
Carl Fier brought a few years ago to the cardiovascular program at The Elliot Hospital.
Brewer, in an article in the July 1980 issue reflected, "I believe that our initial warm acceptance resulted from an editorial philosophy (which we defended rather fier cely) that included: never talk down to an aviator, but speak cockpit-to-cockpit, sharing good dope; avoid 'don'ts' and never forget, as we wrote of accidents and incidents, 'There, but for the grace of God, go I'; seek to u heavy approach whenever possible-no one knows better than aviators the vulnerabilities inherent to the business, so don't lace the message with ominous threats." He added, "Their work [investigators] was a constant reminder complete loss if from it something can be gained to prevent another."