feast day

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Noun1.Feast day - a day designated for feastingfeast day - a day designated for feasting  
church festival, religious festival - a festival having religious significance
Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashana, Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashona, Rosh Hashonah - (Judaism) a solemn Jewish feast day celebrated on the 1st or 1st and 2nd of Tishri; noted for the blowing of the shofar
holiday - a day on which work is suspended by law or custom; "no mail is delivered on federal holidays"; "it's a good thing that New Year's was a holiday because everyone had a hangover"
movable feast, moveable feast - a religious holiday that falls on different dates in different years
Circumcision, Feast of the Circumcision, January 1 - (Roman Catholic Church and Anglican Church) feast day celebrating the circumcision of Jesus; celebrated on January 1st
Christmas Day, Dec 25, Xmas, Christmas - a Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ; a quarter day in England, Wales, and Ireland
Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day - fourth Thursday in November in the United States; second Monday in October in Canada; commemorates a feast held in 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag
Id al-Fitr - a Muslim day of feasting at the end of Ramadan
Feast of Sacrifice, Id al-Adha - the 10th day of Dhu'l-Hijja; all Muslims attend a service in the mosques and those who are not pilgrims perform a ritual slaughter of a sheep (commemorating God's ransom of Abraham's son from sacrifice) and give at least a third of the meat to charity
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References in classic literature ?
But Euryclea called the maids and said, "Come, wake up; set about sweeping the cloisters and sprinkling them with water to lay the dust; put the covers on the seats; wipe down the tables, some of you, with a wet sponge; clean out the mixing-jugs and the cups, and go for water from the fountain at once; the suitors will be here directly; they will be here early, for it is a feast day."
In the past more than one Langa-Langa and Somo boy had gone to make a Su'u feast day, just as Su'u boys, on occasion, had similarly served feasts at Langa-Langa and at Somo.
When a child fell into her power, she killed it, cooked and ate it, and that was a feast day with her.
It was a feast day and they'd run an excursion up country but of Guayaquil, and this was the crowd coming back.
"'Tis one of our feast days, lording, and we were disposed to be merry this day, and make free with a deer, out here where they are so many."
At Drake's or Aaron's one pays twenty-five lire for common days, and thirty or thirty-five lire a day more for Sundays and feast days; add five lire a day more for extras, that will make forty, and there's an end of it."
Through most of the fourteenth century Italian cities explicitly connected the civic races they held on feast days to these military insult displays.(20) A look at the Villani chronicles, for example, reveals that early races on the feast day of Florence's patron saint, San Giovanni, often took place not at home, inside Florence as they do today, but outside the walls of her rival cities Pisa, Lucca, and Arezzo.(21) In October 1330 the Florentines ran races outside Lucca "per vendetta di quelli che fece correre Castruccio a Firenze" ("in revenge for those Castruccio had instigated at Florence").
The Catholic Church also considers him as an Advent saint since his feast day falls during the Advent Season.
Numerous towns in the country pay tribute to the patron saint of farmers on his feast day.
FEAST DAY ST DROGO 73 AD A Jewish revolt against Roman rule is ended when Roman forces enter the fortress of Masada after a long siege - to discover every single defender had just died, apparently having killed each other after drawing of lots with the last man committing suicide.
Feast day of Our Lady of Peace (Roman Catholic Church),
The feast day of Ireland's patron saint will instead be moved to Saturday, March 15 to avoid a clash with Holy Week.