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Related to fantast: Fantastic fiction


A visionary; a dreamer.

[German, from Medieval Latin phantasta, from Greek phantastēs, boaster, from phantasiā, imagination; see fantasy.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a dreamer or visionary
[C16: from German Phantast, from Greek phantastēs boaster; English word influenced in meaning by fantastic]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈfæn tæst)

a visionary; dreamer.
[1580–90; < German, variant of Phantast < Greek phantastḗs boaster fantastic]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.fantast - someone who predicts the futurefantast - someone who predicts the future  
illusionist, seer, visionary - a person with unusual powers of foresight
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Fantast delivers dazzle and soul with its dynamic booty on the Nathan Nicholsonsung Under The Moon which is truly enrapturing.
Named "DoDo," the gigantic sculpture was inspired by the main character in the Germany fantast novel "The Neverending Story."
To Apollo and Evelina, that choice would have meant giving up their parental rights to the very family that had opposed and long delayed their marriage because they judged Apollo to be an ineligible, incompetent fantast. Conrad's parents would thus surrender the only fruit of their union to a family that did not consent to their marriage until Evelina's health was undermined by years of pining for Apollo.
Rating FANTAST TIC FOUR (12) REED RICHARDS (Miles Teller) is an inquisitive T student from Oyster Bay, New York, who creates a "cymatic matter shuttle" with best friend Ben Grimm (Jamie Bell) that transports objects between two realms.
Rating FANTAST TIC FOUR (12) REED RICHARDS (Miles Teller) is T an inquisitive student from Oyster Bay, New York, who creates a "cymatic matter shuttle" with best friend Ben Grimm (Jamie Bell) that transports objects between two realms.
Their ongoing inve pany will also enable the biggest employer bosses announced pljobs boost over the neThe news has beentry and Warwickshiwho say the investmedence is returning to and engineering induRachel Eade, autom lead at the Manufactuice, said: "The scale COVPRESS is a fantast for UK manufacturindeliver what internalooking to achieve.
left, left ft, Angela, top l An Ang nge gel ela, t , to op p e, and , Rhonda, above Rh Rho hon ond nda da, a, aab abo bov oveall look above, l l Amanda, right, Am r , ri t, eir 40s fantastic in the fantast stic c th he their
Producer Kathe were delighted th first time of askin She said: "Ferg with Billy in mind "We didn't kno were very pleased "He is fantast great bombas immediately buy sense of importan and his soft side "During some o we would have a li to get through in "I'd be looking a in the middle of o and (director) M tears streaming laughter.
Billboard called his performance a "hip-hop concert meshed with elements of high-art theater." Kanye said, "When I was working on my ["Dark Fantast"] album, I kept thinking I couldn't wait to perform "Power" at Coachella ...
ng nd re his nic Grand Crus, trained in theWest Country by David Pipe, looks a fantast prospect and two of the grey's three win this season have been at Cheltenham.
windows frame a dream with witnesses, You taste, fantast and epicure,
Its fantast tic that all the average of treatment has been replaced in 4 group and just between two treatment N2A0 and N2A1 been a statically difference by the level of 5% this could be one of the results that indicate, by increasing the level of nitrogen the activated of this bacteria become invisible, due the pertain percentage in the grain, the test by the base of kedjeldal, and comparing the average by the Duncan method shows the treatment N3A1 by the highest average with the amount of 11/82 has the most amount of pertain in the grain and the lowest amount was carried out by the N0A0 treatment with the average of 9/36.its fantastic that booth M3A0 and N2A1 in the average compression remain in one group by the base of Duncan test and didn't shows any statically deference.