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informal Brit awkward and time-consuming to do or use
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References in periodicals archive ?
I'd definitely make it again, but probably using regular pasta - I found the lasagne a bit 'faffy' to layer."
| EVE Lom Gel Cleanser, PS45 (100ml), Space NK EVE LOM's original cleanser is a cult favourite but it is a bit faffy with all that applying then removing with a muslin cloth.
"Think about it - it's only our generation that saw that sort of thing as faffy - the ones before that, our grans and granddads, made their own food all the time," adds Nick.
Homemade ice cream has always struck us as a faffy enterprise, involving expensive kit and more effort than we have to spare, frankly.
It's largely because I didn't have much of a gastronomical upbringing - a steady childhood diet of fish fingers and chips in Tommy sauce and condensed milk sandwiches (a real thing, check it out), which led to a teenagedom where anything more involved than boil-in-the-bag beef was frowned upon as 'faffy food.'.
Try these slightly faffy eggs for brekkie tomorrow because they are worth it.
I know Faffy very well, he's the last man to try anything like that."
"I know 'Faffy' very well, he's the last man to try anything like that, it is part of his responsibility to shine the ball and I thought he did it very well." Pakistan's Waqar Younis, Shoaib Akhtar, Azhar Mahmood and Shahid Afridi, India's Sachin Tendulkar and Rahul Dravid, and England's Michael Atherton have been punished over ball tampering in the past.
The dish had a wholesome home-cooked feel rather than being too fussy or faffy.
It's not like one of these faffy supermini's or pointlessly endearing sports-cars.