

a beautician who specializes in treatments for the face
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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My facialist has been working with the Margy's Monte Carlo luxury skincare line for a couple of years, so I was in safe hands (for the most part).
What we didn't like: I felt the facialist was too intense with the extractions.
YOU too can win a treat at the magic hands of Britain's best facialist, Jennifer Griffith.
And now, Wrexham-based therapist Jennifer Griffith has been named Britain's Best Facialist. To enter, she submitted a portfolio detailing her expertise before being visited by several mystery clients over a three-month period.
How did you land up becoming a facialist? It was something that began gradually.
How did you become a celebrity facialist? About seven years ago I met Juliette Binoche and I gave her a facial when she came to London.
The facialist shared how others can also improve their skin at the comfort of their homes.
Meanwhile, the famed facialist also said that women shouldn't believe or use products that promise to remove wrinkles, acne and dark spots overnight.
The facialist swears by Lumity, and she has been using it for months.
According to Carole Franck facialist Rhona Gilmore, stuffing your BLT at your desk stresses your digestive system, starving your skin of nutrients.
Britney, 19, called in facialist to the stars Sonya Dakar to help her