evergreen plant

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.evergreen plant - a plant having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the yearevergreen plant - a plant having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year
tracheophyte, vascular plant - green plant having a vascular system: ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms
deciduous plant - a plant having foliage that is shed annually at the end of the growing season
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Habit wise it is a low-growing, evergreen plant with a fine, textured leaf.
A stand out in the collection is Lidl's Pentas Lanceolate ([pounds sterling]2.49) -- an evergreen plant with stunning star shaped flowers.
Manama: A Saudi border patrol has arrested a lorry driver and seized 37 kilograms of qat, the evergreen plant whose leaves are used as a stimulant, hidden in the petrol tank and spare tyre.
Majed Zaid, a young man from Aden, says that qat--the popular evergreen plant chewed as a stimulant--is the only legacy of unification.
A very architectural, slow-growing, evergreen plant, it has a palm-like appearance.
A very architectural, slow-growing evergreen plant with a palm-like appearance.
An evergreen plant is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as, "a tree, shrub, or plant having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year." For those of us who could be labeled by some as yard scavengers, this is holiday music to our ears as these plants make wonderful additions to seasonal decorating.
The tradition of stealing a smooch has been around for centuries and this evergreen plant is steeped in tradition and mythology.
The Friends of Balaam's Wood and the Longbridge ward ranger will be pruning the evergreen plant as part of its management plan.
Trials are to be carried out at Aberdeen University to determine if the evergreen plant can help boost patients' immune systems.
Cocoa beans, the key component of chocolate, are harvested from the trunk of the cocoa tree, an evergreen plant that thrives in tropical regions.