essential tremor

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Related to essential tremor: intention tremor, head tremor
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Noun1.essential tremor - tremor of unknown cause (usually of the hands and head) that develops in older people; often mistaken for Parkinsonism but is not life-threatening and can usually be kept under control
tremor - shaking or trembling (usually resulting from weakness or stress or disease)
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The study demonstrated proof-of-concept, supporting continued development of CX-8998 as a potential treatment for essential tremor.
Its lead molecule, CX-8998, has been evaluated in a Phase 2 randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study in patients with essential tremor. The study demonstrated proof-of-concept, supporting continued development of CX-8998 as a potential treatment for essential tremor.
'We are excited to continue the development of Cavion's lead asset, CX-8998, a first-in-class small molecule, for the potential treatment of essential tremor, a prevalent and disabling movement disorder,' said Robert Iannone, M.D., M.S.C.E., executive vice president, research and development of Jazz Pharmaceuticals.
This would allow those who have essential tremor to undergo a non-invasive and less risky form of treatment.
You say alcohol helps - this is quite common with essential tremor, and some people use alcohol to dampen the shaking.
* Consensus statement of the Movement Disorder Society on Tremor for Definite Essential Tremor Diagnosis (4)
A woman, age 77, consulted regarding several problems including previously diagnosed essential tremor. She had pronounced shaking of the head and impaired handwriting from tremor of the hands.
Participants were recruited through direct and email contact and a research announcement posted on the International Essential Tremor Foundation website.
Essential tremor, which is a progressive, age-associated disease, is one of the most common neurological disorders, af fecting up to 5% of indiv iduals aged over 65 years.
Essential tremor is a neurological disorder that causes "involuntary and rhythmic shaking," most often in the hands, according to Mayo Clinic.

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