erogenous zone

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.erogenous zone - any area of the body especially sensitive to sexual stimulation
region, area - a part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve; "in the abdominal region"
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zona erògena
zona erógena
zone érogène
erogén zóna
erogeninė zona
zona erógena
zonă erogenă
erogena cona
References in periodicals archive ?
The shoulder is this year's hottest erogenous zone 6 thanks to the Bardot 6 and the Duchess of Sussex's adoption of the boat neckline cements this," Fullerton said.
X-RATED marked the spot as a corner of a busy centre was turned into something of an erogenous zone for the country's first-ever women's pop-up sex shop.
The underrated erogenous zone is the fleshy part of the vagina above the labia, also known as the pubic mound, but most people skip over it during foreplay.
James alike--that the mind is one hell of an erogenous zone. Bring a trenchcoat to the theater if you must, but more importantly, put on your thinking cap: This tightly focused, densely woven skein of literary, artistic, musical and cinematic allusions is a von Trier movie through and through, right down to its greatest-hits-style riffs on the director's own back catalog.
For number crunchers like us, that's the erogenous zone. It's fair to say I'm sexually aroused by the collating of data.
Sex experts the world over will tell you that the most sensitive and responsive erogenous zone of a person's body is the brain.
Dear reader, FROM toe sucking to foot fetishes, feet are a common erogenous zone.
Denouncing the study carried out by British researchers as fundamentally flawed, French scientists insist the erogenous zone does exist in many women--an estimated 60 percent.
HOW convenient to learn that the ankle is the new erogenous zone, now that the rag trade fancies flogging us winter trousers somewhat shorter than those sold last year.
Additional fantasy elements are provided in the form of detachable ankle straps, which emphasise this season's erogenous zone - the ankle.
The belly button can be an erogenous zone for both men and women - but women tend to be more aware of their hot spots.