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Related to entrist: Enterism


(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) another name for entryist
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In the first instance, this meant the Trotskyist group Revolutionaere Socialister (Revolutionary Socialists or RS) which represented a Danish section of the Fourth International and which with a so-called 'entrist' purpose worked within SF.
To our everlasting shame, we issued a pamphlet attacking Ron as an "extremist"--after all, he wasn't buying our "entrist" strategy of infiltrating the Republicans, and so he must be a "deviationist," dragging the movement into perdition.
Michael, who cannot decide whether he is a reformist entrist or an opportunist, spends the bulk of the novel protecting the interests of the Minister and the Party.
This group adopts a classically entrist position and as such is not fundamentally distinguishable from the tendency that argues for an independent workers' party.
I had spent my life in Labour politics standing up to Trotskyite entrists who demanded the nationalisation of the banks without compensation, and now I was in charge of implementing their programme.
I mention this to embarrass Richard Scudamore and the Premier League suits who have allowed Liverpool FC to be dragged to its knees by unwanted entrists.