

tr.v. en·caged, en·cag·ing, en·cag·es
To confine in or as if in a cage.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




(tr) to confine in or as in a cage
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v.t. -caged, -cag•ing.
to confine in or as if in a cage; coop up.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: encaged
Gerund: encaging

I encage
you encage
he/she/it encages
we encage
you encage
they encage
I encaged
you encaged
he/she/it encaged
we encaged
you encaged
they encaged
Present Continuous
I am encaging
you are encaging
he/she/it is encaging
we are encaging
you are encaging
they are encaging
Present Perfect
I have encaged
you have encaged
he/she/it has encaged
we have encaged
you have encaged
they have encaged
Past Continuous
I was encaging
you were encaging
he/she/it was encaging
we were encaging
you were encaging
they were encaging
Past Perfect
I had encaged
you had encaged
he/she/it had encaged
we had encaged
you had encaged
they had encaged
I will encage
you will encage
he/she/it will encage
we will encage
you will encage
they will encage
Future Perfect
I will have encaged
you will have encaged
he/she/it will have encaged
we will have encaged
you will have encaged
they will have encaged
Future Continuous
I will be encaging
you will be encaging
he/she/it will be encaging
we will be encaging
you will be encaging
they will be encaging
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been encaging
you have been encaging
he/she/it has been encaging
we have been encaging
you have been encaging
they have been encaging
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been encaging
you will have been encaging
he/she/it will have been encaging
we will have been encaging
you will have been encaging
they will have been encaging
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been encaging
you had been encaging
he/she/it had been encaging
we had been encaging
you had been encaging
they had been encaging
I would encage
you would encage
he/she/it would encage
we would encage
you would encage
they would encage
Past Conditional
I would have encaged
you would have encaged
he/she/it would have encaged
we would have encaged
you would have encaged
they would have encaged
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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These hunters of voices want to encage them to avoid the threat they may pose to their sleeping consciences.
Nations that do not live by their ideology and allow usurpers to encage the people, are firmly treading the highway to subservience.
On one page the word 'cage' appears three times repeated and afterwards he decides to encage her, himself.
Furthermore, drones effectively supply yet another dimension to the concrete barriers, walls and fences that encage Palestinians in Gaza and that isolate them from the rest of the world.
Hopefully, the process has been initiated early' enough this time around to avoid any Lapses in duty relief, hut if it appears that might not be the case then INDA will encage its members to put pressure on Congressional lawmakers.
So there we were: the fuel light alert, the needle collapsed at the end of its register, and a short life's worth of panicky thinking about fuel and cars and the perils of wooing while driving, combining in my mind as we elevated to the bridge's full height and its central illuminated M--shaped arch began to encage us.
"We never imagined that any people could do this to other human beings," she says, "to encage and entomb others.
McMichael could never let those lines lie on the page, unanalyzed, unexplained; he has to leash the madness, encage the hell.
Fair cousin, thy page is small to encage the thoughts which engage the mind of a sage Such as I am; 'Twere in teaspoon to take the whole Genevese lake, or a lap-dog to make the white Elephant sacred in Siam.
Although he acknowledges our capacity for agency, he not only believes, as I do, that agency occurs within a social context; he also wants, as I do not, to encage agency in established conventions to which he implicitly ascribes a natural existence and an authoritative role.