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Related to dwindle: dwindle down


v. dwin·dled, dwin·dling, dwin·dles
To become gradually less until little remains. See Synonyms at decrease.
To cause to dwindle: difficulties that dwindled my enthusiasm for the recipe.

[Frequentative of Middle English dwinen, to waste away, from Old English dwīnan, to shrink; see dheu- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


to grow or cause to grow less in size, intensity, or number; diminish or shrink gradually
[C16: from Old English dwīnan to waste away; related to Old Norse dvīna to pine away]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈdwɪn dl)

v. -dled, -dling. v.i.
1. to become smaller and smaller; shrink; diminish.
2. to fall away, as in quality; degenerate.
3. to make smaller and smaller; cause to shrink.
[1590–1600; dwine (now dial.) to waste away (Middle English; Old English dwīnan; c. Middle Dutch dwīnen, Old Norse dvīna) + -le]
syn: See decrease.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: dwindled
Gerund: dwindling

I dwindle
you dwindle
he/she/it dwindles
we dwindle
you dwindle
they dwindle
I dwindled
you dwindled
he/she/it dwindled
we dwindled
you dwindled
they dwindled
Present Continuous
I am dwindling
you are dwindling
he/she/it is dwindling
we are dwindling
you are dwindling
they are dwindling
Present Perfect
I have dwindled
you have dwindled
he/she/it has dwindled
we have dwindled
you have dwindled
they have dwindled
Past Continuous
I was dwindling
you were dwindling
he/she/it was dwindling
we were dwindling
you were dwindling
they were dwindling
Past Perfect
I had dwindled
you had dwindled
he/she/it had dwindled
we had dwindled
you had dwindled
they had dwindled
I will dwindle
you will dwindle
he/she/it will dwindle
we will dwindle
you will dwindle
they will dwindle
Future Perfect
I will have dwindled
you will have dwindled
he/she/it will have dwindled
we will have dwindled
you will have dwindled
they will have dwindled
Future Continuous
I will be dwindling
you will be dwindling
he/she/it will be dwindling
we will be dwindling
you will be dwindling
they will be dwindling
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been dwindling
you have been dwindling
he/she/it has been dwindling
we have been dwindling
you have been dwindling
they have been dwindling
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been dwindling
you will have been dwindling
he/she/it will have been dwindling
we will have been dwindling
you will have been dwindling
they will have been dwindling
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been dwindling
you had been dwindling
he/she/it had been dwindling
we had been dwindling
you had been dwindling
they had been dwindling
I would dwindle
you would dwindle
he/she/it would dwindle
we would dwindle
you would dwindle
they would dwindle
Past Conditional
I would have dwindled
you would have dwindled
he/she/it would have dwindled
we would have dwindled
you would have dwindled
they would have dwindled
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.dwindle - become smaller or lose substance; "Her savings dwindled down"
decrease, diminish, lessen, fall - decrease in size, extent, or range; "The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester"; "The cabin pressure fell dramatically"; "her weight fell to under a hundred pounds"; "his voice fell to a whisper"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


To grow or cause to grow gradually less:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
يَتَضاءَل، يَقِل
ubývatzmenšovatrozplynoutscvrkávat se
skrumpe indsvinde in
rÿrna, minnka
rozplynúť sa


[ˈdwɪndl] VIreducirse, menguar
to dwindle toquedar reducido a
to dwindle away [money, sound] → disminuir, menguar
his life was dwindling awayse consumía poco a poco
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈdwɪndəl] vi [number] → diminuer; [resources, exports] → diminuer; [support] → diminuer
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vi (strength, relevance)schwinden, abnehmen; (interest) → nachlassen; (numbers, audiences)zurückgehen, abnehmen; (supplies, stocks)schrumpfen, zur Neige gehen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈdwɪndl] vi (numbers, supplies) → assottigliarsi, diminuire, decrescere; (interest) → affievolirsi
to dwindle to → ridursi a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈdwindl) verb
to grow less. His money dwindled away.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Let England have its navigation and fleet -- let Scotland have its navigation and fleet -- let Wales have its navigation and fleet -- let Ireland have its navigation and fleet -- let those four of the constituent parts of the British empire be be under four independent governments, and it is easy to perceive how soon they would each dwindle into comparative insignificance.
It will dwindle and dwindle as the months roll on, and there is no replenishing the fuel.
Like many across the country, St Paul's Church in Knowbury, near Ludlow, has seen its congregation dwindle over the years.
POWER cuts hit Liverpool as the miners' strike continued and coal reserves began to dwindle. A state of emergency had been declared by the Government the previous day, after a cold snap had put extra pressure on energy supplies.
7 Maute-linked terrorists surrender in Lanao del Sur !-- -- Roel Parentildeo (philstar.com) - October 10, 2018 - 1:44pm ZAMBOANGA CITY, Philippines Seven members of the Islamic State-inspired Maute Group surrendered to the military in Pagayawan town in Lanao del Sur on Tuesday as the terror group's numbers continue to dwindle.
Archbishop Chrysostomos II said that senior clergy and staff earning over 2,000 euros a month are in for salary cuts due to the ongoing financial crisis that has seen church revenue dwindle.