

vb (intr)
to tremble or shudder
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
DUDDER (more ineffective, comparative inferred; DUD and-ER = schwa: W3)
Some of the mining projects being protected by FC are Saindak, Reko Deq, Dudder, Duki Coal mines, Koh-e-Dalil etc.
(Rest in paradise Dudder, safe in the arms of an angel, we'll never forget you.) -Little OG''Z, Tony, Steph and Debbie xx.
The OED also lists CUCKER, DUDDER, LULLER and MUMMER, which may qualify.
There were plenty of stray arrers from Dudders going for finishes against John Kuczynski in his Ladbrokes.com World Championship opener.
Dudbridge came from behind to beat Painter 3-2 at the Grand Prix in October - when Flash was at his lowest ebb - and while The Artist will be gutsy, Dudders' extra class should tell.
Dudders was extremely edgy on his doubles and the weight of expectation that has come from last season's heroics appears to be getting to him.
Dudders averages 1.5 maximums in the Premier League (Taylor 2.75) and isn't performing with the panache that he showed in late 2004.
Dudders certainly looked the business when they met in the World Championship semifinals in January, but he has not played well of late.