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something that flows downwards
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It is also developing a new "Greenline" energy efficient downflow booth to sit alongside its range of standard and bespoke products.
It can be seen in Table 1 that the majority of data sets are for horizontal tubes with the exception of two which are for vertical tubes (downflow).
This compact Downflow Booth achieves noise levels of approximately 60dba, which is less than a normal conversation, making it one of the quietest downflow booths on the market today.
The reaction mixture made up by babassu oil and glycerol (molar ratio glycerol/oil = 15) was kept in the feeding reservoir, under magnetic stirring at 50[degrees]C and pumped through the fixed bed reactor in a downflow at 0.018 mL [h.sup.-1].
The indoor AHUs were identical with identical PSC motors, but one system was installed in an upflow configuration, supplying air from ceiling diffusers, and the other was installed in a downflow configuration, supplying air from floor registers.
The safety cabinets utilize HEPA filters to maintain a clean air inflow and downflow across the entire sample area.
That situation most often occurs in conjunction with the layer-inversion phenomenon in both upflow (Escudie et al., 2006) and downflow (Escudie et al., 2007a) fluidization.
To estabilish the upflow and downflow current, one rectangler, 100cm in length and 20cm in width was cut in up and down of the geomembran in 50cm over and below the wastewater level in baffled pond (Fig.2).
The existing data center floor uses a hot aisle/cold aisle configuration, and is cooled by distributed downflow computer room air-conditioning (CRAC) units supplying into a 30 in.
10 Fabric Filter Dust thru 25 hp Collectors 1,2,3,4 DUSTVENT 5' x 3' Up to 2,400 FPM velocity; Select Flow Downdraft airflow adjustable on work Bench surface 1, 3, 4 DUSTVENT 2.3 X 3F1 1480 downflow CFM produces Convertible Downdraft dust capture veloc.