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a hinged fitting on a door that can be used to knock on it
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
How many young men, in all previous times of unprecedented steadiness, had turned suddenly wild and wicked for the same reason, and, in an ecstasy of unrequited love, taken to wrench off door-knockers, and invert the boxes of rheumatic watchmen!
wNtwHP The most deserving winner of a Nobel Prize is the bloke who invented the door-knocker. The most deserving winner of a Nobel Peace Prize is Audley Harrison.
door-knocker earrings & tired blue housedress be harnessed
Lib Dem candidates can hardly hit the door-knocker to denounce the Government's record because it would mean trashing their own.
The ornamental silver door-knocker in the shape of a Wellington bomber that adorns the front of her Stocksmoor home is the first clue to the 88-year-old's lifelong fascination with the RAF.
Within this new division, IMS will continue its loss-mitigation services such as skip-tracing, door-knocker inspections and preservation, as well as its borrower outreach call center and short-sale service, according to IMS President Cheryl Lang.
Before Howard could even place his hand on the brass door-knocker, the front oak door opened and twowide-eyed boys, aged about 12, stood there.
Robin, who serves the Friends of Liverpool Monuments and the Merseyside Civic Society, brought with him a brass Liver Bird door-knocker from his family home in Catharine Street.
Pensioners suffer 18 months of torment by mystery door-knocker
de clopper, oft de duerbamer[s]" ("cornix: a ring used as a door-knocker; Homer uses [LANGUAGE NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] .
Having recently left his girlfriend, Hannah, for a life of freedom over cosy domesticity, Ben is captivated by the curator's stories and screws the ancient door-knocker to his new front door.
Others involved include an incompetent wizard, a dead princess and a talking door-knocker.