dog turd

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: turd - fecal droppings from a dog
faecal matter, faeces, fecal matter, feces, ordure, BM, dejection, stool - solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels
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References in periodicals archive ?
"I think we all can agree that the way the statement of conditions is written right now is just a real dog turd."
AS I made my way along the street I made like Peter Beardsley With the ball at his feet A swerve to the left past a wheely bin Then a quick step over a discarded tin Sold a dummy to a lady pushing a pram Then body swerved around a man who'd had a wee dram Shimmied to to the left to avoid a pizza carton I saw thrown down by a bloke Who looked like Joey Barton Then just as my goal was in sight I put my foot in a deposit left overnight I bet you thought I was going to use a rude word But I think it's OK to say "dog turd" I'm beginning to believe what I once was told The streets of Gosforth are paved with gold.
He said: "I was going to send you a dog turd through the post but I couldn't bring myself to lick the envelope."
One of my favourites is 'the quest for an unfindable dog turd', such as "I faraged for an hour in the bushes but I couldn't find it'.
Simon Cowell could give us a show called 'Celebrity Dog Turd', and people will watch.
Waters' helming high- and low-lights are briskly covered, from his first cinematic forays aping such experimentalist heroes as the Kuchar Brothers and Andy Warhol, through "Pink Flamingos" (yes, the dog turd eating scene is discussed), and then on to the more commercial successes such as "Hairspray" and "Serial Mom." A little dig at the MPAA for assigning his most recent feature "A Dirty Shame" an NC-17 rating brings the retrospective roughly up to the present.
So John Waters said that even if he cured cancer, the first line of his obituary will always be that he made Divine eat a dog turd in Pink Flamingos.
The Tartan Starlets, who took a mini, made it longer, and then acted surprised when it handled like a rained-on dog turd.
So it's unfortunate that I arrive at our Jayne Middlemiss fashion shoot with a steaming great dog turd on my trainers.
The thinking goes like this: the lifting of the Leek Curtain in 1996,and the moribund chart success of the Manics,Catatonia et al, and the subsequent rush to sign cool Welsh bands to labels with the forward-planning skills of a manic depressive lemming,has benefited Welsh music,and turned a scene that looked like a lonely, sun- bleached dog turd,into a paddling pool full of chilled, eternal youth- granting ambrosia in the midst of a mid-August humanbarbecue.
2 Is the X Factor without Simon Cowell, left, like a dog turd without the fly?
Beautiful churches and monuments dot the cityscape, and yet, if you look up in admiration for too long, there is a very good chance you will step in a fresh dog turd. "And costarring...Dog Feces!" was one of the working titles of this story that never quite got past the musing stage, but the role of abandoned stool was heavy in much of our Spanish adventure; it's everywhere.