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v. dis·trained, dis·train·ing, dis·trains Law
1. To seize and hold (property) to compel payment or reparation, as of debts.
2. To seize the property of (a person) in order to compel payment of debts; distress.
To levy a distress.

[Middle English distreinen, from Old French destreindre, destreign-, from Medieval Latin distringere, distrinct-, from Latin, to hinder : dis-, apart; see dis- + stringere, to draw tight; see streig- in Indo-European roots.]

dis·train′a·ble adj.
dis·train′ment n.
dis·trai′nor, dis·train′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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In cases where attachment is made upon an order issued by the judge of execution, the distrainer shall, within the ten days following notification of the debtor of the attachment, file a lawsuit before the competent court claiming proof of entitlement and validity of attachment, otherwise the attachment shall be and void.
* Please send your questions to [email protected] LEGAL SYSTEM IN QATAR According to Article 449 of Civil and Commercial Procedure Law, the distrainer shall be notified of the attachment by way of summons that includes the occurrence of the attachment under possession of the garnishee, the date of attachment, the judgment or official deed under which the attachment has taken place and the amount for which the attachment is effected.
As per Article 432, if the value of the items under sale, according to its estimation in the minutes, exceeds QR100,000, an announcement of sale shall be made once in daily newspaper at the expense of the distrainer creditor.