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Related to disquietingly: disquieted


tr.v. dis·qui·et·ed, dis·qui·et·ing, dis·qui·ets
To deprive of peace or rest; trouble.
Absence of peace or rest; anxiety.
adj. Archaic
Uneasy; restless.

dis·qui′et·ing·ly adv.
dis·qui′et·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adv.1.disquietingly - in a disquieting manner; "the disquietingly close sounds of gunfire"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Grief mounted into the brain and worked there disquietingly. Yesterday they had lamented: "She was a dear mother, a true wife: in our absence she neglected her health and died." Today they thought: "She was not as true, as dear, as we supposed." The desire for a more inward light had found expression at last, the unseen had impacted on the seen, and all that they could say was "Treachery." Mrs.
Such examples of regulatory capture are "disquieting, and disquietingly typical, in Canada." (118) They help illustrate the social and political dynamics of carbon democracies and reflect "an emerging--if not already firmly established--consensus view of the way that carbon-intensive industries effectively shift energy and environmental regulations away from the broader public interest in climate change mitigation" (119) and environmental stewardship more generally towards their own special interests.
Last Night in Nuuk is disquietingly human and startlingly young--which is, I think, everything that it set out to be.
That may be an odd thing to say about a movie with mutant crocodiles, killer bears and an unflagging sense of menace, but for all its surface perils, the picture also has a disquietingly serene core.
As it pertains to the Fed, he has been disquietingly quiet, in marked contrast to Candidate Trump, who blasted the institution (as well as its chairman, Janet Yellen) to the roaring approval of his supporters.
When a beautiful and audacious teenager is found dead in a sleepy college town, everyone is under suspicion -- from her foster siblings, who are in deep on some scandalous deeds, to a disquietingly observant painter whose new project involves redeeming broken girls.
The latter sensation, which strengthens the disgust previously manifested through taste (bitterness and sourness), reveals two important features of Hopkins's late poetry: the revival of the contrast between the sensuous and the spiritual that was at the core of his early verse and the tendency to connote the subject's self-division in disquietingly existential terms.
The original cover art of Gioventu cannibale, for example, displays a disquietingly large razor, and the 1998 edition of Superwoobinda features a monocular TV on the front cover, opposite a giant monocular armchair on the back cover.
At the trial, it also came out that the victim's mother, Carolyn Collins, had made conflicting statements about her son's death--and, more disquietingly, after reporting the death, she had been found to have gunpowder residue on her hands, indicating that she recently had fired a gun.
Disquietingly, at precisely the moment the world's film archives need increased funding to optimize the preservation of their analog collections, build from scratch digital-preservation systems, digitize their analog holdings, and develop digital formats to facilitate access to their collections, the combined effects of the financial crisis and reduced government budgets for culture--and reduced investment in the private sector in so-called long-tail assets--have colluded to create an environment in which funding for preservation is, to the contrary, decreasing.