display type

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display′ type`

type larger than body type, used in headings, advertisements, etc.
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By display type, the video wall display segment accounted for the majority of the revenue share in the overall commercial display market in 2018 owing to a high number of installations of such commercial display screens in major infrastructural projects in the retail and hospitality domains in the region.
The market is segmented into display type, technology, application, industry vertical, and region.
The next part of the report consists of the global embedded display market analysis and forecast by display type, application and region.
The display is 0.3-inches bigger than the P20's display, and the display type is different as well (AMOLED vs.
The ones people are getting hold of today are not far off display type ones and they are too powerful.
Recently, Alhaag and Ramadan [44] used electromyography (EMG) responses to investigate the effects of the display type on visual fatigue.
The primary purpose of this study was to determine the most preferred display type size of a package based on its relationship with the package's proportions.
Display type did not affect participants' evaluation of the home page (p = .43).
The latest advancements in the display type includes transparent and 3D displays which are in the developing stage and yet to become commercially feasible and lucrative for the market.
In an elegantly minimal design with lowercase light-gray display type, DIANE ARBUS: IN THE BEGINNING (Metropolitan Museum of Art, $50) shows us where she traveled artistically during the next seven years, shooting 35mm film before acquiring the Rolleiflex twin-lens reflex camera with which she took the iconic square-format pictures that made her reputation.