dispersive medium

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dispersive medium

(General Physics) physics a substance in which waves of different frequencies travel at different speeds
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For the linear electric dispersive medium, the Maxwell's curl equation can be written as
where w is the wave phase velocity of the wave moving in a dispersive medium whose refractive index is n(v) generally depending of the coordinates, and which is defined by:
The reduction in plastic viscosity is connected, first of all, with release of the immobilized water and with the increase, in this regard, in the relative of the dispersive medium. The increase in thickness of water layers between particles leads to the friction reduction between moving layers and to the decrease in plastic viscosity.
Substituting (9) into (8), after some operation, we can get the average effective permittivity in dispersive medium based on above mentioned conformal technique as
Generalizing the properties of the PhCs to the dispersive media, Rupasov and Singh studied the quantum electrodynamics of a single two-level atom placed in a frequency dispersive medium (DM) and found a polariton-atom bound state with an eigenfrequency lying within the gap of the polariton spectrum [20, 23].
X., "3D FDTD implementation for scattering of electric anisotropic dispersive medium using recursive convolution method," International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, Vol.