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tr.v. dis·in·hib·it·ed, dis·in·hib·it·ing, dis·in·hib·its
1. To free (a person) from inhibitions.
2. To terminate or reverse the inhibition of (a neuron, for example).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (tr)
(Psychology) to remove inhibition from
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Since cannabis has the effect of making happy thoughts even happier, and depression even deeper, there could be a chance that it would disinhibit aggressive dogs and make them potentially more dangerous.
It has this effect on our mood, it helps disinhibit, it makes us less anxious.
Steinberg, "Now, we have to rethink this, and I personally think the circuits are inhibited, and our treatment helps to disinhibit them."
This hybridization of drinking cultures emerges when adaptive functions of drinking, such as drinking to disinhibit or to compensate, gain in importance in drinking motivations.
1 (constant) 1.666 .528 3.16 .002 USA, Non-USA -.268 .110 -.149 -2.44 .016 2 (constant) .866 .234 3.70 .000 BIS Total .278 .134 .148 2.08 .039 BSSS Total .058 .063 .060 .93 .352 CFC Total -.015 .059 -.015 -.22 .825 Note: Dependent variable = CAS Total TABLE 4 Correlation Matrix for All CAS Subscales and "Irresponsible" Subscales that Correlated Significantly with Them (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) CAS Entertain Social -- (2) CAS Intense Personal .74 -- (3) CAS Borderline Path .75 .73 -- (4) BIS 15 Attention .142 .107 .246 -- (5) BSSS Disinhibit .219 .198 .271 .178 -- (6) CFC Immediate -.176 -.144 -.248 -.313 -.308 -- Note: All correlation coefficients above .14 are at least significant at the .03 level.
Within Zhu Ling Tang, Zhu Ling, Fu Ling, and Ze Xie blandly seep and disinhibit dampness.
Observing a model also can inhibit or disinhibit someone from behaving in a similar way.
As this constellation acts to impair thinking and judgment and disinhibit impulses, violence may ensue and force a police crisis negotiator response.
Its functions are to fortify the spleen and boost the qi, dry dampness and disinhibit water.
"There's reason to think that alcohol was a factor that tended to disinhibit Roberts and make him behave violently, " said Dr Jones.
Chao's fundamental treatment principles for dealing with CVA are to course wind and diffuse the lungs, relax spasm and resolve tetany, stop cough and disinhibit the throat.
If alcohol is assumed to disinhibit behavior, a drunken woman may then represent the breakdown of the major source of control over indiscriminate sexual activity--a threatening possibility to a society with legendary ambivalence about sex.