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Noun1.Disembarkment - the act of passengers and crew getting off of a ship or aircraftdisembarkment - the act of passengers and crew getting off of a ship or aircraft
landing - the act of coming to land after a voyage
going ashore - debarkation from a boat or ship
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References in classic literature ?
Not a word was spoken, every one seemed occupied, Franz with his disembarkment, the sailors with their sails, the smugglers with their goat; but in the midst of all this carelessness it was evident that they mutually observed each other.
Malta turned down the Ocean Viking requests saying it could not take the lead on any disembarkment. A Malta government spokesman said there was "no new update" on the Ocean Viking and declined to comment further.
The boat had spent six days anchored off Lampedusa before a local prosecutor ordered their disembarkment amid a probe of far-right Interior Minister Matteo Salvini for forbidding their entry to port.
There were positive correlations for the need for additional care after disembarkment with events involving lap infants, syncope, seizures, burns, dyspnea, blunt trauma, lacerations, or congenital heart disease; those requiring a volunteer medical provider; and those requiring supplemental oxygen.
In the words of The Temptations 'get ready' for a four hour party on the river with boarding at 12.30pm, anchor up at 1pm and disembarkment at 5pm.
A similar tax is levied in Venice, where apart from the tourist tax for cruise ship passengers and other travelers not staying overnight, a new ruling has resulted in a aAeu10 (USD 11) per person "disembarkment tax" for anyone who visits the city, including overnight guests.
After describing their disembarkment, with its elaborate procedures, the narrative follows Fausto, Alberto, and Gino as they wander the city streets.
So intent was the boy on "participating in the ship's adventures" that he sequestered himself away for the day, and then feigned losing his hat, to delay his disembarkment. Perhaps the father sensed his son's stratagem and found himself complicit with the scheme as, despite the ominous threat of French warships prowling the seas around England, Captain Scoresby acquiesced with "Oh never mind--he will go along with us" (Stamp and Stamp, 1975:6).
Nevertheless, can Kulmiye the ruling party's love for money from the UN and the following transfer of the cash to Mogadishu warrant the refusal of the disembarkment? Still there's a hope as the overruling decision emerging day in and day out.
While still hallucinating, he becomes docile enough to forgo a twenty-four hour watch, and survives until disembarkment in New York.