discussion section

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Noun1.discussion section - a small class of students who are part of a larger course but are taught separately; "a graduate student taught sections for the professor's lecture course"
grade, class, course, form - a body of students who are taught together; "early morning classes are always sleepy"
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References in periodicals archive ?
Usually authors write about the limitations of the research in the discussion section or ideally in a separate section immediately after the discussion section (Brutus, Aguinis, & Wassmer, 2013).
The values of selected scenario in results and discussion section (highlighted scenario in Table 3), is considered as the axis of sensitivity analysis.
Sina Aziz session included writing skills and the approach in writing and formatting the discussion section conclusion and acknowledgement.
Each chapter ends with a compilation of references and a brief summary and discussion section in which the authors highlight specific areas requiring further study.
(192.) See generally supra discussion section V and accompanying text (discussing Hendrickson holding shielding eBay from secondary liability.)
The activities close with a discussion section that offers insights about student performance and suggests ways to meet students' various learning abilities.
The finding is not new; five early studies had reported a similar result, and one had failed to find it (that study was done differently); for references, see the Discussion section of the September 6 Tillmann paper [2].
The ex pert discussion section of the final rules implies that the expert opinion the SEC contemplates would take place in a judicial or regulatory proceeding, not as part of an offering statement.
When visiting, "students" will find expert tutorials, interesting case studies, and will have the chance to converse with fellow pupils--and occasionally professors--in Metalworking University's class discussion section.