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v. dis·ap·peared, dis·ap·pear·ing, dis·ap·pears
1. To pass out of sight; vanish: The moon disappeared behind the clouds.
2. To cease to be seen; be missing or unfound: Her purse disappeared from her locker. The plane disappeared somewhere over the Pacific Ocean.
3. To cease to exist: Dinosaurs disappeared at the end of the Cretaceous Period.
To cause (someone) to disappear, especially by kidnapping or murder.

dis′ap·pear′ance n.
Synonyms: disappear, evanesce, evaporate, fade, vanish
These verbs mean to pass out of sight or existence: a skyscraper disappearing in the fog; time seeming to evanesce; courage evaporating; memories fading away; hope slowly vanishing.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˌdɪs əˈpɪər əns)

the act or an instance of disappearing; a ceasing to be seen or to exist.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.




  1. Blown away like clouds —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  2. Blows away like a deck of cards in a hurricane —George Garrett
  3. Bobbed away like a soap-bubble —Sylvia Plath
  4. (The premonition had) boiled off like a puff of bad air —Herbert Lieberman
  5. Borne away like a cork on a stream —Lawrence Durrell
  6. (The old worlds) died away like dew —Dame Edith Sitwell
  7. Disappeared as if into fairyland —Peter Najarian
  8. Disappeared … effortlessly, like a star into a cloud —F. van Wyck Mason
  9. Disappeared like a sigh —Tom Wolfe
  10. [Food being served, vegetables] disappeared like leaves before locusts —Charlotte Brontë
  11. Disappeared like raindrops which fall in the ocean —John T. Morse, about the loss of many of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.’s similes and other witticisms
  12. Disappeared [huntsmen and hounds into a bewitched forest] like soap bubbles —Anne Sexton
  13. Disappeared … like sparks dropped into wet grass —James Crumley
  14. Disappearing like the fastest fairy who ever lived —Brian Donleavy See Also: SPEED
  15. Disappearing, like water poured out of a wide-necked bottle —Diane Wakoski
  16. Disappear like a moon entering a cloud bank —Bernard Malamud
  17. Disappear like quicksilver in the cracks —Booth Tarkington
  18. Disappear like socks in the laundry —Elyse Sommer
  19. Disappear like the dew on the mountain —Anon
  20. Drift away into infinity, like a child’s balloon at a circus —Robert Penn Warren
  21. Everybody peeled away like an onion —Official of a New York company on reason for his firm’s bankruptcy, New York Times, December 12, 1986
  22. (The vision of her early loveliness) faded from reality like dew licked up by the sun —Elinor Wylie
  23. Faded like a cloud which has outswept its rain —Percy Bysshe Shelley
  24. Faded … like dew upon the sea —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
  25. (The restlessness in him) faded like fog before sunshine —Pearl S. Buck
  26. (Light would … ) fade like a slow gray curtain dropping —Nelson Algren
  27. Fades like the lustre of an evening cloud —William Wordsworth
  28. [Awareness of children] fading like old ink —Margaret Atwood
  29. (The season) fading like woodwind music —George Garrett
  30. Fading like young joy —Dame Edith Sitwell
  31. Fall away like forgiven sins —Miller Williams
  32. (All your joys start) falling like sand through a sieve —Lorenz Hart

    Hart’s lyric for “A Lady Must Live” from America’s Sweetheart omitted the letter ‘g’ in ‘falling.’

  33. Fell away like a wall —Dudley Clendinen, New York Times, March 31, 1985, about a publisher’s declining advertising revenues
  34. (Childhood and youth, friendship and love’s first glow, have) fled like sweet dreams —Percy Bysshe Shelley
  35. (Any thought I had for such an enterprise) fled like thunder —Richard Ford
  36. Flown like a thought —John Keats
  37. Fluttered away like flakes of snow —Louis Bromfield
  38. [Ceremonial occasions] glide swift into shadow, like sails on the seas —John Greenleaf Whittier
  39. (He was) gone again, gone like some shadow the fire had made —Davis Grubb
  40. Gone and out of sight like a thought —Richard Ford
  41. Gone as a dream is gone from a dreamer wakened with a shout —Lord Dunsany

    ‘Wakened’ has been modernized from ‘waked.’

  42. Gone … as if they had evaporated —Dorothy Canfield Fisher
  43. (That moment is) gone forever, like lightning that flashed and died, like a snowflake upon the river, like a sunbeam upon the tide —Percy Bysshe Shelley
  44. Gone from my gaze like a beautiful dream —George Linley
  45. Gone like a flushed toilet —Max Apple
  46. Gone like a morning dream, or like a pile of clouds —William Wordsworth
  47. Gone like a quick wind —Ursula Le Guin
  48. (Our world was) gone like a scrap in the wind —Beryl Markham
  49. Gone like a wild bird, like a blowing flame —Euripides
  50. [Smile of a loved one] gone like dreams that we forget —William Wordsworth
  51. (And all the students) gone, like last week’s snow —Delmore Schwartz
  52. Gone like our change at the end of the week —Palmer Cox
  53. (Words) gone like sparks burned up in darkness —Jayne Anne Phillips
  54. [A funeral procession] gone … like tears in the eyes —Karl Shapiro
  55. Gone, like tenants that quit without warning —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
  56. Gone, like the life from a busted balloon —Palmer Cox
  57. (I am) gone like the shadow when it declines —The Holy Bible /Psalms

    The biblical ‘declineth’ has been modernized.

  58. Go out … just like a candle —Lewis Carroll
  59. (The Contessina could no longer see him;) it was as though he had slipped from her vision, and the crack had closed above him forever —Elizabeth Bowen
  60. (Maybe he wanted her to) lift up, blow away somewhere, like a kite —Margaret Atwood
  61. Like a match struck on a stove … faded and was gone —James Agee
  62. Like a passing thought she fled —Robert Burns

    Burns’ line has found its way into daily language as “Vanish like a passing thought.”

  63. Like a shadow, glided out of view —William Wordsworth
  64. Like swallows in autumn they fled, and left the house silent —John Hall Wheelock
  65. Lost like stars beyond dark trees —Dante Gabriel Rossetti
  66. (Her patience) melted like snow before a blow-torch —Julia O’Faolain
  67. (Money) melting away like butter in the sun —Bertolt Brecht
  68. Off and away like a frightened fish —Ogden Nash
  69. Pass as if it had never existed, like a fart in a gale of wind —Richard Russo
  70. Pass away like clouds before the wind —William Wordsworth
  71. Passed like a ghost from view —John Greenleaf Whittier
  72. (The wild part of her had) perished like burned grass —Ellen Glasgow
  73. (Life was) receding … as the sea abruptly withdraws, abandoning a rock it has caressed too long —Françoise Sagan
  74. Receding like a bad dream —Anon
  75. (He felt the distress and suspicions of the previous night) receding like a tempest —George Santayana
  76. [Sounds] receding like the image of a man between two mirrors —Frank Conroy
  77. Sank like lead into the sea —Brian Moore
  78. Sank to the bottom as a stone —The Holy Bible/Exodus
  79. Scuttle away … like moths —W. D. Snodgrass
  80. (The cares that infest the day,) shall fold their tents, like the Arabs, and as silently steal away —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  81. Shrank away like an ill-treated child —W. H. Auden
  82. Shrank like an anemone —Derek Lambert
  83. Slip away like water —Edna St. Vincent Millay
  84. [Thoughts] slipped away … like bushes on the side of a sheer precipice —Edith Wharton
  85. Slipping silently away like a thief in a London fog —Jack Whitaker, ABC-TV, about the Goodyear blimp disappearing in the mist above the US Open golf tournament in San Francisco, June 20, 1987
  86. Slips away like a snake in a weed-tangle —Robert Penn Warren
  87. Slips out of my life like sand —Diane Wakoski
  88. A slow fade, like a candle or an icicle —Margaret Atwood
  89. (The nights) snapped out of sight like a lizard’s eyelid —Sylvia Plath
  90. Suddenly disappeared with a jerk, as if somebody had given her a violent pull from behind —Charles Dickens
  91. (Her voice) suddenly disappeared, like a coin in a magic trick —Scott Spencer
  92. Vanish … as easily as an eel into sand —Arthur Conan Doyle
  93. Vanish as raindrops which fall in the sea —Susan Coolidge
  94. Vanish away like the ghost of breath —George Garrett
  95. Vanished, ghost-like, into air —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  96. Vanished like a puff of steam —H. G. Wells

    A frequently used alternative is to vanish or leave “Like a puff of wind.”

  97. (The stray cat) vanished like a swift, invisible shadow —D. H. Lawrence
  98. [Food being served, dessert] vanished like a vision —Charlotte Brontë
  99. Vanished like a wisp of vapor —Edith Wharton
  100. (He had simply) vanished, like Gaugin —Lynne Sharon Schwartz
  101. Vanished like midnight ghosts —Charles Lindbergh

    Lindbergh used the simile in 1927 to describe the flight of a French plane, L’Oiseau Blanc.

  102. Vanished like some little bird that has been flushed out of the shrubbery —Mikhail Lermontov
  103. Vanished like the last of the buffalo hunters —George Garrett
  104. Vanished [out of his mind] like the mist before the rising sun —H. G. Wells
  105. [The impression made upon people by a tragedy] vanishes as quickly as a delicious fruit melts in the mouth —Honoré de Balzac
  106. Vanishes as rapidly as a road runner in a cartoon —New Yorker, August 26, 1985

    In the “Talk of The Town” column, this referred to the speed with which a book, once finished, disappears from a writer’s mental picture.

  107. (Beauty) vanishing like a long sigh —George Garrett
  108. Vanish like a changing mood —John Hall Wheelock
  109. Vanish like a cocktail before dinner —Anon
  110. Vanish like a dew-drop in a rose —Gerald Massey
  111. Vanish like a ghost before the sun —P. J. Bailey
  112. Vanish like an echo —Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  113. Vanish like birds in winter —George Garrett
  114. Vanish like lightning —Henry Taylor
  115. Vanish like plunging stars —Don Marquis
  116. Vanish like raindrops which fall in the sea —Anon
  117. Vanish like smoke —Percy Bysshe Shelley
  118. Vanish like the Witch of the North —George Garrett
  119. Vanish like white soft crowns of dandelions in the wind —George Garrett
  120. Vanish like writing in the sand —Anon
  121. (My awe of Cruikback) went away like a mist in a high wind —Gerald Kersh
  122. Went away like a summer fly —W. B. Yeats
  123. Went gloriously away, like lightning from the sky —Edgar Allen Poe
  124. [Sense of peace] went out like a shooting star —Edna O’Brien
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.disappearance - the act of leaving secretly or without explanationdisappearance - the act of leaving secretly or without explanation
departure, going, going away, leaving - the act of departing
vanishing - a sudden disappearance from sight
appearance - the act of appearing in public view; "the rookie made a brief appearance in the first period"; "it was Bernhardt's last appearance in America"
2.disappearance - the event of passing out of sight
happening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent - an event that happens
ingress, immersion - (astronomy) the disappearance of a celestial body prior to an eclipse
evanescence - the event of fading and gradually vanishing from sight; "the evanescence of the morning mist"
vanishing - a sudden or mysterious disappearance
fadeout, receding - a slow or gradual disappearance
appearance - the event of coming into sight
3.disappearance - gradually ceasing to be visible
ending, termination, conclusion - the act of ending something; "the termination of the agreement"
4.disappearance - ceasing to exist; "he regretted the disappearance of Greek from school curricula"; "what was responsible for the disappearance of the rainforest?"; "the disappearance of resistance at very low temperatures"
happening, natural event, occurrence, occurrent - an event that happens
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. vanishing, going, passing, disappearing, fading, melting, eclipse, evaporation, evanescence the gradual disappearance of the pain
2. flight, departure, desertion, disappearing trick his disappearance while out on bail
3. loss, losing, theft, mislaying Police are investigating the disappearance of confidential files.
4. dying out, decline, falling off, petering out the disappearance of dolphins in recent years
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


The act or an example of passing out of sight:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
gözden kaybolmaortadan kaybolmayok olma
sự biến mất


[ˌdɪsəˈpɪərəns] Ndesaparición f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˌdɪsəˈpɪərəns] n
[person] → disparition f
[object, money] → disparition f
(= extinction) [species, habitat, tradition, language] → disparition f
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nVerschwinden nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˌdɪsəˈpɪərns] nscomparsa, sparizione f
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(disəˈpiə) verb
1. to vanish from sight. The sun disappeared slowly below the horizon.
2. to fade out of existence. This custom had disappeared by the end of the century.
3. to go away so that other people do not know where one is. A search is being carried out for the boy who disappeared from his home on Monday.
ˌdisapˈpearance noun
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


اِخْتِفَاء zmizení forsvinden Verschwinden εξαφάνιση desaparición katoaminen disparition nestanak scomparsa 見えなくなること 사라짐 verdwijning forsvinning zniknięcie desaparecimento исчезновение försvinnande การหายไป gözden kaybolma sự biến mất 消失
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
The death of Sir Danvers was, to his way of thinking, more than paid for by the disappearance of Mr.
At one time, about five years after the disappearance, these stories of the supernatural became so rife, or through some attesting circumstances seemed so important, that some of Marion's most serious citizens deemed it well to investigate, and to that end arranged for a night session on the premises.
It is true that the suspicious circumstances which had attended the disappearance of Toby were enough of themselves to excite distrust with regard to the savages, in whose power I felt myself to be entirely placed, especially when it was combined with the knowledge that these very men, kind and respectful as they were to me, were, after all, nothing better than a set of cannibals.
Just as, to the bourgeois, the disappearance of class property is the disappearance of production itself, so the disappearance of class culture is to him identical with the disappearance of all culture.
On the slow and successive appearance of new species -- On their different rates of change -- Species once lost do not reappear -- Groups of species follow the same general rules in their appearance and disappearance as do single species -- On Extinction -- On simultaneous changes in the forms of life throughout the world -- On the affinities of extinct species to each other and to living species -- On the state of development of ancient forms -- On the succession of the same types within the same areas -- Summary of preceding and present chapters.
As was true of the general public, his chief interest in the matter centered about the mysterious disappearance of the slayer.
Supposing him to have disappeared of his own act, is not his disappearance more accountable and less cruel?
And Mister Haggin had failed to solve the mystery of Patsy's and Kathleen's disappearance. But Biddy and Terrence knew.
By degrees the consequences of these phenomena showed themselves in the disappearance of organized beings, and by the disappearance of vegetation.
I could only abstain most carefully from raising any false hopes, and then explain that the object of my visit was to discover the persons who were really responsible for Anne's disappearance. I even added, so as to exonerate myself from any after-reproach of my own conscience, that I entertained not the least hope of being able to trace her--that I believed we should never see her alive again--and that my main interest in the affair was to bring to punishment two men whom I suspected to be concerned in luring her away, and at whose hands I and some dear friends of mine had suffered a grievous wrong.
After his disappearance, his mother and grandfather both died and his father be- came very rich.
I found him in great trouble about the disappearance of his son, who had, he said, vanished without leaving a trace; but his own grief did not prevent him sharing mine.