disablement benefit

disablement benefit

(Social Welfare) (in Britain) a noncontributory benefit payable to a person disabled through injury or disease caused by their work
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Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit is a payment of up to PS174.80 a week.
'The benefits are medical benefit, treatment, permanent or temporary disablement benefit, constant-attendance allowance, dependent's benefit, funeral benefit, education benefit and facilities for physical, vocational rehabilitation and return-to-work programme,' he told reporters after attending the closing ceremony of Socso's Publicity and Presentation of Benefits here today.
That email confirmed the defendant's contention that the plaintiff is not entitled to the total disablement benefit.
Hand eczema is one of the most common reasons for disablement benefit.
Until her arrest in December 2013, Milligan claimed income support, independent living fund payments, council tax benefit, housing benefit, disability living allowance, and severe disablement benefit.
The 11 benefits to be devolved include carer's allowance, winter fuel payment, attendance allowance, severe disablement allowance, industrial injuries disablement benefit, funeral expenses, discretionary housing payments and some universal credit powers.
Former coke oven workers also became entitled to Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit in August 2012, after a paper from the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council in September 2011 found the risk of contracting lung cancer increased significantly where employees had spent more than five years working on the tops of coke ovens, or 15 years working on or around the ovens.
Instead, Mr Pritchard was awarded a PS16,000 lump sum from the government and then Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit, before a final damages amount was negotiated for PS150,000.
T HE Employees' State Insurance Corporation ( ESIC) has approved new welfare measures which include additional financial assistance for North- Eastern states and Sikkim for medical care under the ESI scheme, enhancement of permanent disablement benefit and dependents' benefit rates to address the erosion in their real value due to inflation, on the eve of its 63rd anniversary.
n Child Tax Credit n Industrial Injuries n Disablement Benefit.