dinner table

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Noun1.dinner table - the dining table where dinner is served and eatendinner table - the dining table where dinner is served and eaten
dining table, board - a table at which meals are served; "he helped her clear the dining table"; "a feast was spread upon the board"
leaf - hinged or detachable flat section (as of a table or door)
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References in classic literature ?
I remember that dinner table with extraordinary vividness even now.
yesterday, I was almost getting up from the dinner table. I could not bear the way my son looked at me.
Petya took off his wet clothes, gave them to be dried, and at once began helping the officers to fix up the dinner table.
The Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman and Jack Pumpkinhead all sat at the dinner table, although none of them was made so he could eat.
"I never thought about that pie from the moment I put it in the oven till now, although I felt INSTINCTIVELY that there was something missing on the dinner table. I was firmly resolved, when you left me in charge this morning, not to imagine anything, but keep my thoughts on facts.
"Whatever the differences in opinion, we found that when families are united at teatime, over food that everyone loves to eat, each of these differences can bring families even closer together when discussed around the dinner table.
ONE in seven of us don't know how we're connected to some of our relatives around the dinner table at Christmas, a study found.
Seven of us--brothers, sister, in-laws, niece and nephew--sat at my sister's dinner table recently.
In Dinner Table Human Capital and Entrepreneurship (NBER Working Paper No.
Summary: Los Angeles [USA], Dec 15 (ANI): 'The Merc with a Mouth' may have joined Disney, but that doesn't mean he is planning on minding his manners at the dinner table.
The collection has a really sociable, fiesta vibe, which for me evokes memories of warm evenings sharing tapas and sangria around a large dinner table with friends - heaven!